I don't want my mum to be a domestic worker any more because it is so exhausting.

Because this is how it feels to live my life: scattered, fragmented, and exhausting.

One thing I've learned from winning an Olympic medal is that it's really exhausting.

If you're constantly frightened of being unhappy, how bloody exhausting must that be?

Filming is about continuing to be alert and to think, and I find it quite exhausting.

Nobody's perfect, and to try to pretend you're perfect is an exhausting fool's errand.

I can't imagine what it would be like being James Bond 24 hours. That must be exhausting.

Being in a person's head for five months, where they're so hateful, is kind of exhausting.

I don't want to be just seen as a character, because that can get exhausting after a while.

I love making movies. But it's a lot of investing your heart and soul. It can be exhausting.

I've seen a lot of teachers come and go, and you do three or four years, and it's exhausting.

'Billy on the Street' is a very exhausting show to do, as you can imagine, but it's worth it.

I actually have no aspirations to ride a motorcycle ever again. It's exhausting. You get cold.

Cleopatra was exhausting to play, but also completely exhilarating. She creates her own energy.

Theater is exciting because it is collaborative, but it is also exhausting for the same reason.

The idea of taking off my shoes and trying on all these clothes is so exhausting, I just leave.

I do commit really, really passionately. It's why I only work every five years. It's exhausting.

It's even exhausting for me to think about remixes because there were so many Miike Snow remixes.

Living in continual chaos is exhausting, frightening. The catch is that it's also very addictive.

It is really exhausting to live in a dictatorship of 'Me', which is basically a tyranny of others.

There are artists who think they have to be on top all the time. I think that would be exhausting.

It's exhausting I think to just say really yes to everything for real, even if you do it for a day.

I'm OK with my appearance. I have made my peace with it after a long and frankly exhausting battle.

One day I would want to be an Egyptologist, the next day an ornithologist. I was an exhausting child.

The family is always the family but during vacations it is an extended family and that is exhausting.

Friendship is a difficult, dangerous job. It is also (though we rarely admit it) extremely exhausting.

I'm a workaholic. Before long I'm traveling on my nervous energy alone. This is incredibly exhausting.

I think each movie-making process is a very exhausting and satisfying and fulfilling experience for me.

It's exhausting trying to impress someone and be a version of yourself that might be attractive to them.

Some of my fondest memories are of being in a van. It can be exhausting, but many adventures can be had.

I never like to conduct, quite honestly, because you have to be a bit of a dictator and it's exhausting.

Everything with Peeping Tom is kind of a guessing game. It's constantly exhilarating but also exhausting.

A show is exhausting when it stinks. It's exhausting when you have to work overtime to make something work.

I love having my hair and makeup done for red carpets, but to have that done every day would be exhausting.

There's a negative effect when you run around without exhausting everything that happens with the play call.

It's particularly exhausting because Medea is defined by her determination. The role is all about endeavour.

Popularity is exhausting. The life of the party almost always winds up in a corner with an overcoat over him.

Australia is fun, but completely exhausting and confusing because I never get on with the different time zone.

For me, working on stage is much more exhausting than all the other mediums, but it's also much more thrilling.

Most people don't understand that being in the public eye is emotionally exhausting. It takes a lot out of you.

I have a friend - I send her one text and I get 20 texts back. Guys don't want a million texts. It's exhausting.

The hard part is majors are exhausting on their own. They're a long week. So the hard part is your energy levels.

The second album was emotionally exhausting and my life felt like it had become very serious at a very young age.

I've seen a lot of shows, but I can't possibly cram in everything that I'd like to, and it's exhausting trying to.

The endless definitions for feminism are exhausting. It's this, it isn't this, it's only this if you're this, etc.

When you're doing what you love, it's not exhausting at all, actually. It's completely empowering and exhilarating.

A day of worry is more exhausting than a week of work. Worry upsets our whole system; work keeps it in health and order.

I don't really feel comfortable anywhere except when I'm working alone at home. It's exhausting to be out around people.

Living in London is funny - sometimes I love it and think it is absolutely amazing, but sometimes it is just exhausting.

I told the caterer I'd work for nothing if he'd teach me about catering. I lasted one week full-time. It was exhausting.

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