Existing outside of irony is so hard.

A play visibly represents pure existing.

My only crime is breathing and existing.

Deepen your existing spiritual commitment.

I guess I've been existing in my own head a lot.

You can best fight any existing evil from the inside.

Judgment is not my business. Existing is my business.

We preserve the status quo, preserve existing systems.

Leave no authority existing not responsible to the people.

The secret to discovery is to never believe existing facts.

What is a Rechtsstaat? It is obedience to the existing law.

Acting is the art of being and existing, and not being fake.

We have to ensure we are aggressively enforcing existing laws.

To be beyond any existing classification has always pleased me.

I take judge-made law as one of the existing realities of life.

I took and received campaign donations under the existing laws.

Am I over existing or am I over existing? That's my inside joke.

I don't judge. Judgment is not my business. Existing is my business.

Young African-American males: Stop existing. It could get you killed.

Comedy makes the subversion of the existing state of affairs possible.

We have got to secure the border and enforce existing immigration laws.

Things get much easier if one jumps on the bandwagon of existing trends.

Everything existing in the universe is the fruit of chance and necessity.

I donate money to the existing foundation that funds the US Ski Team kids.

The existing U.N. can be found in the writings of early Communist leaders.

You get paid more at McDonald's than you do under the existing minimum wage.

It's a very difficult thing to adapt a piece of existing material into film.

It's important to know how to operate within the system you are existing in.

I make music to generate atmospheres, not to complement already existing ones.

It had a very good arrangement by Herbie Hancock, but it used existing pieces.

What you can do is present existing flavors in a fresh way, in a fresh context.

We believe existing currencies may move into becoming more of a crypto-currency.

The problem with existing biology is you change only one or two genes at a time.

We live in a dangerous world, and Russia has not complied with existing treaties.

Clients usually come to me when they want to update the look of an existing room.

It is just living life intentionally - that is what I want instead of just existing.

You get to a certain age, and you feel the need to reward yourself just for existing.

It's better to take over and build upon an existing business than to start a new one.

It's almost always easier to sell to an existing customer base than to find a new one.

A tapper sticks to existing routines. Whereas hoofing... a hoofer pushes the art form.

The First Law of Journalism: to confirm existing prejudice, rather than contradict it.

All comedians are, in a way, anarchists. Our job is to make fun of the existing world.

Design is a tool that either allows us to create new markets or disrupt existing ones.

There is not a truth existing which I fear... or would wish unknown to the whole world.

Just because something doesn't confirm your existing beliefs does not mean it's a hoax.

I did not want to be depressed by the gap existing between my weakness and my ambition.

Read over your existing business plan like you read the menu at your favorite restaurant.

The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.

I have definitely refocused Lowercase Capital on later-stage deals and my existing portfolio.

I'm obsessed with trompe l'oeil - the idea of something that is existing and is not existing.

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