That's what I do in my stand-up. I work hard and hone the material and after a while audiences expect what I do to be good.

I base my track-listing and what songs I pick by what my fans expect from me and what they want and what I think they want.

We cannot expect that all nations will adopt like systems, for conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.

No man is truly educated unless he knows where he came from, why he is here, and where he can expect to go in the next life.

When I appear in public people expect me to neigh, grind my teeth, paw the ground and swish my tail - none of which is easy.

I've been an important star and lived a full life, yet I only hve three close friends. I guess that's all anyone can expect.

Rwanda has emerged from the devastation of genocide and become more secure and prosperous than anyone had a right to expect.

Expect trouble as an inevitable part of life and repeat to yourself, the most comforting words of all; this, too, shall pass.

Every man should make up his own mind that if he expect to succeed, he must give an honest return for the other man's dollar.

For me, the world that I inhabit in reality is probably a very different world than the one people expect that I would be in.

If the military is to show the capabilities that we demand and expect of it, then the defense budget has to continue to rise.

I'm living the dream! I just want to tell actors and writers it's never too late, and it can happen when you least expect it.

I can't expect to be playing the lead and romancing heroines, so I'll do what I'm best suited for and I'm doing that happily.

We have extradited terrorists to the United States in the past. And we expect the same thing to be done by the United States.

Every time I listen to Jeff Beck my whole view of guitar changes radically. He's way, way out, doing things you never expect.

Acting is a career, and you can't expect everything to work out the way you want. One has to be mature enough to handle that.

Tools can rule men sooner than they expect; the plow makes man the lord of the garden but also the refugee from the dust bowl.

Every professional athlete has fear, doubts and negative thoughts. But people expect you to just ignore them and move forward.

In some extremely important ways, people are what you expect them to be, or at least they behave as you expect them to behave.

I've never figured out who 'Heath Ledger' is on film: 'This is what you expect when you hire me, and it will be recognizable.'

I just don't get my hopes up. I don't expect too much from people in the league because you just never know what could happen.

It is reasonable to expect the doctor to recognize that science may not have all the answers to problems of health and healing.

Everyone has the right to practice their religious beliefs in private but expect that people might publicly reject said beliefs.

People always expect you to be jumping out of a Rolls Royce and being in the papers for drunk and disorderly or sleeping around.

Give a lift to a tomato, you expect her to be nice, don't ya? After all, what kind of dames thumb rides, Sunday school teachers?

When you are running for the presidency of the United States, you have to expect that you are going to have attacks by all sides.

People always meet me and go, 'You're so much cooler than I thought you'd be,' and I'm like, 'What did you expect me to be like?'

Is an audience open to seeing a film that isn't what they expect when they see a film that's been adapted from a children's book?

The greatest humiliation in life, is to work hard on something from which you expect great appreciation, and then fail to get it.

Each year, I write out a goal sheet with what I expect. If I showed anybody else my goal sheet, they would have said I was crazy.

Madonna is untouchable. She is absolutely lovely. On a personal level, she's everything you would expect. She's so down to earth.

A harsh reality of newspaper editing is that the deadlines don't allow for the polish that you expect in books or even magazines.

You can't go to Washington as a congressman and a senator and expect to make a difference all at once. You have to earn your way.

I just always expect the best because I'm a competitor and if I'm competing, then obviously I'm trying to be better in everything.

Often people expect I have some touching personal story about kidney disease, but it's actually the mathematics that led me to it.

It's great to surprise people. If you do the same thing all over again, which people expect you to do, they're going to get bored.

I didn't expect such a huge reaction, but I knew I was doing something different to everything else that was happening at the time.

Cinema seats make people lazy. They expect to be given all the information. But for me, question marks are the punctuation of life.

Men are very tough, very critical of me. I think they expect you to basically just be a picture. They don't want to hear you speak.

Everyone knows that when you look at a television ad, you do not expect to get information. You expect to see delusion and imagery.

I don't expect that the million will ever be won, simply because there is no confirming evidence for any paranormal claims to date.

You cannot expect teams to be up for a final every Saturday, but you have to in the Six Nations, and that is the difficulty we have.

For me comedy and violence has a lot in common. Just as you expect, comedy always lurks behind the most unexpected of circumstances.

I'm good at maintaining a face. If you've got that bravado, and people expect anything from you, then you'll get away with anything.

It's probably foolish to expect relationships to go on forever and to say that because something only lasts 10 years, it's a failure.

Few enterprises of great labor or hazard would be undertaken if we had not the power of magnifying the advantages we expect from them.

People expect to just hear something raunchy from a female - we're missing meaningful messages as women. We don't have enough stories.

You never know what's going to happen in the NFL. That's probably the thing I've learned most - expect the unexpected and go from there.

I don't want people to expect the hard tracks to continue my whole career. When I started making music, I wasn't making music like that.

If you don't have a spiritual practice in place when times are good, you can't expect to suddenly develop one during a moment of crisis.

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