More and more, our clients expect not only relevant advice, not only setting a road map or helping them plan, but being committed to business results.

I moved when I was 16. I had no clue what to expect in moving to L.A. I had no clue, really, about what acting was. I just knew that I wanted to do it.

Is it not rather what we expect in men, that they should have numerous strands of experience lying side by side and never compare them with each other?

I live in dread that I might find myself in some sort of emergency, and everyone will turn to me and expect me to know what the correct procedures are.

I fully expect that NASA will send me back to the moon as they treated Sen. Glenn, and if they don't do otherwise, why, then I'll have to do it myself.

People - especially white people - they want me to be a role model just because of the life I lead. The things I say in my songs, they expect it of me.

Indeed upon much that may have to say, I expect rather the charitable judgment than the full assent of those whose approbation I could most wish to win.

Having a track record to live up to and the history of successes had become a hindrance. It becomes harder to break out of what people expect you to do.

One thing that was drummed into me when I was younger is that you have to make your own way in life, that you mustn't expect anyone else to support you.

G-Dragon is a fancy person. People don't expect the upright image of G-Dragon. Kwon Ji Yong is an introvert and has lots of things going on in his head.

Even though you can't expect to defeat the absurdity of the world, you must make the attempt. That's morality, that's religion, that's art, that's life.

Twasn't me, 'twas the Lord! I always told Him, 'I trust to you. I don't know where to go or what to do, but I expect You to lead me,' an' He always did.

I think we have to be very careful when we toss around terms like 'cut health care costs.' We would do very well to expect a cut in the rate of increase.

We should all expect to be able to die with comfort, dignity and love. Our society does not lack the wealth to realise this aspiration, but the willpower.

As an artist, you can't expect a producer to just bring you a record. If you walk in and say, 'I want Kanye West's 'Power,' it just doesn't work that way.

If you like trekking, go to the Himalayas or Peru. I love those kinds of trips. But it all depends on your own life and what you like and what you expect.

I would like to take on roles which nobody would expect. I don't want to be reduced to love stories. I'd like to try dark, edgy roles. I need a challenge.

Expect to have hope rekindled. Expect your prayers to be answered in wondrous ways. The dry seasons in life do not last. The spring rains will come again.

That's part of my military character, I think. You back one of us into a corner, and you can only expect one thing: us coming at you like wild, rabid dogs.

It is not because angels are holier than men or devils that makes them angels, but because they do not expect holiness from one another, but from God only.

I get a lot of moral guidance from reading novels, so I guess I expect my novels to offer some moral guidance, but they're not blueprints for action, ever.

Writing is a journey of discovery because until you start, you never know what will happen, and you can be surprised by what you do - expect the unexpected!

Anyone who proposes to do good must not expect people to roll stones out of his way, but must accept his lot calmly, even if they roll a few stones upon it.

We didn't really expect to achieve anything outside of the UK, and it just went crazy. It's just crazy that people know our music. We're just humbled by it.

Winners, I am convinced, imagine their dreams first. They want it with all their heart and expect it to come true. There is, I believe, no other way to live.

If it's compelling and engaging enough, customers will consider paying for it. If we don't deliver something that has value, we won't expect value in return.

We expect all our businesses to have a positive impact on our top and bottom lines. Profitability is very important to us or we wouldn't be in this business.

Government is a contrivance of human wisdom to provide for human wants. People have the right to expect that these wants will be provided for by this wisdom.

I think that you have to find a piece of yourself in every role you play. If you don't believe what you're doing, you cannot expect anyone else to believe it.

Islam expect every Muslim to do this duty, and if we realise our responsibility time will come soon when we shall justify ourselves worthy of a glorious past.

Some musicians feel they have to provide what their audiences expect. They lose the distinction between an artist and an entertainer. I am not an entertainer.

I kind of hate the fact that I feel like people expect you to announce what you are, and then you become it. I would rather become the thing and then name it.

Love is often nothing but a favorable exchange between two people who get the most of what they can expect, considering their value on the personality market.

Fans are very emotional people, and when they have seen you with some people and they like your chemistry, they expect you to work with the same person again.

People are lucky and unlucky not according to what they get absolutely, but according to the ratio between what they get and what they have been led to expect.

Gratitude is one of the greatest gifts we can give. And it's not a gift we often give to children. We expect it of them, but we don't necessarily give it back.

Don't wish me happiness - I don't expect to be happy it's gotten beyond that, somehow. Wish me courage and strength and a sense of humor - I will need them all.

When I was younger, I had no idea that I would be an actor. I had an interest in it, but I never actually did it. I didn't really expect it to be a career path.

As far as what readers can expect with 'Maybe Someday,' I'm not the type of writer who writes to educate or inform my readers. I simply write to entertain them.

I was born with this talent, so I've just worked hard, and now it's gone well for me. But I'm not going to lie - I didn't expect to be top of the Premier League.

One mentor I had taught me that people do what you inspect, not necessarily what you expect. In other words, if nobody is watching, there will be some slack off.

The cynical part of the answer is that I expect to see a good deal more space opera, set far enough in the future as to be disconnected from contemporary issues.

We must expect to fail... but fail in a learning posture, determined no to repeat the mistakes, and to maximize the benefits from what is learned in the process.

But I guess the lesson is this: If you don't have confidence in yourself and think that you are worth hiring, or whatever it is, you can't expect anyone else to.

I had never been allowed to go on tour with my husband George Harrison, so had no idea what to expect when I left him to join Eric Clapton on his 1974 U.S. tour.

I have proved myself as a complete package, so people can be more confident about investing in me, and I do expect a little more trust from the industry members.

The problem with romantic comedies is you know the ending by the poster. So they're not movies you can keep doing over and over again expect satisfaction somehow.

Don't expect anyone else to support you. Maybe you'll have a trust fund. Maybe you'll have a wealthy spouse. But you never know when either of them might run out.

I believe that children are, by nature, very forgiving. I don't think children expect their parents to be perfect. I think they demand that their parents be real.

But sports photography isn't something you just pick up overnight. You can't do it once a year for fun and expect to do a good job. And I take pride in what I do.

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