I know what I do for my team and what my teammates expect of me on both ends of the floor.

I expect positive play from Manchester United all the time, whether you're at home or away.

Oh, he's magic. Faulkner has opened passages in my brain. You do things you'd never expect.

Reaching my first grand slam final was amazing, and I didn't expect it at just 19 years old.

Why should we not expect self-designated environmental leaders to practice what they preach?

I expect a lot. And, I hold my teammates accountable and they've got to hold me accountable.

I've always been very determined to do things my own way and people can expect that from me.

Do you seriously expect me to be the first Prince of Wales in history not to have a mistress?

There are a lot of things in Queen albums that you don't expect; that's why we threw them in.

The American people expect and deserve a government that works and leaders who work together.

I had learned something of Miami from people who had visited there, so I knew what to expect.

It is natural that we should always expect an Israeli attack, even when it does not threaten.

A beautiful woman must expect to be more accountable for her steps, than one less attractive.

QTE is a very strange thing... it really depends on what you expect from your game experience.

I'm certain that most couples expect to find intimacy in marriage, but it somehow eludes them.

I didn't expect people would embrace 'Ang Probinsyano' the way they did during its first year.

Do not do unto others as you expect they should do unto you. Their tastes may not be the same.

The more I expect, the more unhappy I am going to be. The more I accept, the more serene I am.

He that will not apply new remedies must expect new evils; for time is the greatest innovator.

You should always play 100 per cent, and you shouldn't expect every decision from the referee.

As always, my influences are diverse and not what you might expect from a 'heavy metal' artist.

People don't work as hard as I do. They don't expect the same things out of the game that I do.

I am a striker, and people expect strikers to score goals. But I don't see myself as a striker.

The one thing we can all be sure about in politics is you are as well to expect the unexpected.

People expect me to me a 'shock rocker,' but there's nothing you can do anymore to be shocking.

Oregonians expect the state to prioritize the health and well-being of them and their families.

You might as well expect rivers to run backwards as any man born free to be contented penned up.

You can't just release double albums and expect people to sit there and devote their time to it.

The WB never treated us well, so we didn't expect a lot of farewell wishes and flowers or cards.

The citizens of America expect more. They deserve and they want more than a recital of problems.

There's what we expect bears to do and then there's what they do. Sometimes the two don't match.

It was important to me to believe, because if I don't believe, how can I expect them to believe?

I have been doing music all my life so everyday when I get up I expect music will be part of it.

I would like to say to people, open your eyes and find beauty where you normally don't expect it.

Once you get labelled, people expect you to behave within the very narrow confines of that label.

I don't expect anything from anybody. When you grow old... Your days are gone; it is part of life.

There's a lot of pressure being an actor and taking on challenges that people don't expect of you.

You can have small moments of happiness in life. You certainly can't expect years and years of it.

Every American has the duty to obey the law and the right to expect that the law will be enforced.

I didn't expect babies to need so many diapers. Nobody told me they needed to be changed so often.

You win battles by knowing the enemy's timing, and using a timing which the enemy does not expect.

A person can't have everything in this world; and it was a little unreasonable of her to expect it.

A woman who gives any advantage to a man may expect a lover but will sooner or later find a tyrant.

You can't expect to be better than everybody else if you're doing the same thing as everybody else.

I have come to Kolkata to make music, but I can't expect one director to give me work all the time.

A lot of times when you keep it real with somebody, you can't expect them to keep it real with you.

If people can't expect their government to be honest and clean, they can't expect anything from it.

You cannot expect to achieve new goals or move beyond your present circumstances unless you change.

Where there is an observatory and a telescope, we expect that any eyes will see new worlds at once.

Why would anyone expect Tyson to come out smarter? He went to prison for four years, not Princeton.

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