For me, cooking is an extension of love.

Science fiction is an extension of science.

There must be relaxation in full extension.

What is beauty, but an extension of modesty?

In my day-to-day life, I have lash extensions.

What is the son but an extension of the father?

We worked very hard to make extensions very simple.

I'm interested in music as an extension of character.

So many women characters are extensions of male fantasy.

To me, politics is an extension of what I do in medicine.

Many times our weaknesses are extensions of our strengths.

To me acting originally became an extension of game playing.

My music and lyrics became an extension of this Indian philosophy.

I don't play a character. It's totally just an extension of myself.

I swear by lash extensions. They cut my makeup routine time in half.

No power and no treasure can outweigh the extension of our knowledge.

External instruments are only extensions of the biological instrument.

Everyone always asks me about my hair... I usually have extensions in.

Netflix and Hulu are just extensions of television that live on the Web.

The most successful people do play extensions of themselves in the ring.

Lash extensions. I hate wearing mascara because it runs all over my face.

The legs and arms can be a revelation of the back, the spine's extensions.

It is the director's vision, and as actors, we are just extensions of that.

History is direction—but Nature is extension—ergo, everyone gets eaten by a bear.

Well-done eyelash extensions make you look beautiful and doe-eyed without a lick of makeup.

Extension brings space, space brings freedom, freedom brings precision. Precision is truth.

Growing up, it was always a huge battle with my mom to let me color my hair or add extensions.

The gloves are like a second skin. They are part of me. An extension of me. I become hyperreal.

Just because we wear hair extensions and make-up doesn't mean we're the punchline for every joke.

The difference between objective and subjective extension is one of relation to a context solely.

You are not your body. You are actually an extension of the power that created the whole universe.

You can't be hateful because you love yourself. And we're extensions of each other; we're all connected.

I look up to Martha Stewart, and I love that she has product lines that are true extensions of her brand.

When I discovered eyelash extensions, it was like the sea has parted; the sun came out. It was everything.

We recently had an extension built, to house a closet. It's like the Tardis - I go in there and never come out.

I can't live without knowing I have my extensions and ponytail. So I can run out the door at the drop of a hat.

I see [my pen] as an extension of my musculature. It's like being a painter. It's the closest I can get to my breath.

A little moisturizer and I'm out the door. I don't even need to put on mascara anymore because of my lash extensions.

If I looked good in 'Wolf of Wall Street,' I cannot take full credit; it was because of the hair extensions and makeup.

If anyone accuses me of lying, I'll simply say I'm not lying, which is just an extension of the overall lying strategy.

Photography, painting or poetry - those are just extensions of me, how I perceive things; they are my way of communicating.

I did this movie about Salvador Dali a few years ago and had hair extensions and a little bob. That was incredibly bizarre.

Each poem in becoming generates the laws by which it is generated: extensions of the laws to other poems never completely take.

It's appropriate that the word 'ignorance' is an extension of the word 'ignore.' We ignore so much and so we become ignore-ant.

(Acting) is an extension of life. How you're capable of performing in your life, that's how you're capable of performing on screen.

I do not do extensions, because it damages your real hair. So I will keep on wearing my wigs until the day I decide it's time to move on.

We learn that those around us are an extension of ourselves, both animate and inanimate. All things have a life and form. We learn to love them all.

We're already cyborgs. Your phone and your computer are extensions of you, but the interface is through finger movements or speech, which are very slow.

It has been my experience that the greatest performers in the genre of sports-entertainment are usually natural extensions of their own, true personality.

I get extensions, but when they start to get spotty, I go buy wispy lashes and cut them up. I put them where the gaps are when I don't have time to get a fill.

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