Sometimes it's a bizarre, fairly cold, and horrifying thing to be a parent.

I like a hem below my knee even though I was blessed with fairly good gams.

Voters want to know that elections will be conducted fairly and accurately.

I've done golf and fitness shoots, but in those I'm still fairly covered up.

It's a fairly recent thing but I've become very fond of making drinks myself.

We were soon free of the woods and bushes, and fairly upon the broad prairie.

The spirit world doesn't admit to communicating with me, so it's fairly even.

You know, I'm fairly intelligent, but I don't think my grades reflected that.

I don't have a motorcar, so I've got to know and be fairly fond of the buses.

I have a fairly good collection of paintings, both classical and contemporary.

The keystone to justice is the belief that the legal system treats all fairly.

I'm fairly skeptical of movements, organizations, and institutions in general.

Even fairly serious moviegoers can't shake this shadow of the corporate world.

It was a fairly normal happy upbringing. Not a lot of money, but a lot of love.

An Englishman will fairly drink as much As will maintain two families of Dutch.

It's always nice to have people love you, but I'd just like to be judged fairly.

Throughout high school, I was fairly boring. I didn't do many rebellious things.

I'm actually a fairly conservative person. I live a very conservative lifestyle.

I can have more of a normal life in Los Angeles, where I can be fairly anonymous.

I'm not that lazy, but I don't need that much money. I lead a fairly simple life.

I think it's fairly clear that playing hockey isn't the same as playing football.

My brother and I are kind of known for doing fairly ridiculous and stupid things.

I feel that I've done what I wanted to do, and that makes me feel fairly content.

I'm a short, fairly plain person who's bluffing his case and getting away with it.

I grew up in a Glaswegian house because my parents are fairly Glaswegian-sounding.

I'm well rewarded for a job I massively enjoy doing. I think I'm paid very fairly.

I'm definitely a sushi person. I know I can eat a lot and still be fairly healthy.

I am a very loyal person and believe that people should be treated fairly in life.

People at Facebook are fairly used to the press being nice to us or not nice to us.

I think of myself as being quite affable, approachable, fairly easy to get to know.

I feel like I've set the bar fairly high, and I want to keep living up to that bar.

Infidelity is a fairly common occurrence in society but very often not spoken about.

I was a tomboy, always fairly eccentric, and convinced I'd grow up to be an actress.

I am fairly physically aware and agile, and I imbue that into the characters I play.

I got into performing fairly young and went from, like, a shy kid to a total weirdo.

I'm fairly sort of a laid-back and optimistic guy full of effervescence and vitality.

It certainly was unusual growing up with two fairly well-known pastors as my parents.

Assad is the president of Syria. He enjoys fairly effective control over his country.

I'm generally a fairly shy, withheld person. But when I get onstage, I get a bit mad.

News isn't just what happens. It's what a fairly small group of people decide is news.

While I'm totally up for all things girly, two months of mehendi is a fairly long time!

I suppose the place where I live is fairly remote, it would seem remote to some people.

I love leather jackets, and I am obsessed with it. I carry leather jackets fairly well.

Fairly or not, Western consumers associate Chinese products primarily with 'low price.'

I basically think that I'm a fairly nice, normal person with just a few eccentricities.

I was actually fairly athletic and coordinated, but I never played any organized sports.

Co-sponsoring a bill is fairly easy, like a group project which you work on with others.

There is a lot going on in high schools, and I think what we portray is fairly accurate.

It's fairly common knowledge that a startup can't execute on two products simultaneously.

Mess is fairly good. It is like what is found in American hotels except for cake and pie.

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