No one should go into debt if a family member gets sick or injured.

Anytime you have a family member getting out of prison, there's always drama.

Just because someone is your family member doesn't mean they're a good person.

So many people are affected by cancer, whether you have it, or a family member.

I think it's very important to have the stewardship of a company by a family member.

Any female of any age, anyone sitting on that couch, is going to relate to some Bella family member.

Our aim should be to not allow a single corrupt politician or even a family member to enter the House.

I have a family member who was in the foster system briefly, and so I've kind of grown up knowing about it myself.

The same regions of the brain light up when someone touches their smartphone as when they touch a family member or a pet.

Too many families know what it's like to have to choose between providing care for a family member and keeping their job.

I don't want to be your hero. I want to be your brother. You know, I want to be your family member. I want to be your equal.

People always tell me that they grew up with me - like I'm their brother or uncle or some other family member. That keeps me going.

I went to Jersey City State College to please a family member. I wasn't prepared for school. To say I failed out is putting it nicely.

When someone's in the hospital - be it a family member or anyone that has something wrong with them - if you love 'em, then you visit them.

Recognizing chronic sadness may encourage someone to reach out to a friend, family member, or counselor rather than concealing the distress.

I had some trepidation about working with someone else, especially a family member. You don't want work to affect your personal relationship.

I've always wanted to be my own person. Even when I was 'Noah who rode horses,' I wanted to be Noah Cyrus, not anyone else or a family member.

Interactions - whether personal or business, teacher-student, friend to friend, or family member - all call for balance, respect, and compassion.

Losing a family member is extremely difficult for anyone to take. But the normal reaction is to want to get back to your work as soon as you can.

Thinking back to those earlier days, I felt I was weak when I wasn't making movies, and then when I was, I thought I was weak as a family member.

If I could give one piece of advice, it would be 'If you're angry with a family member, talk to God about it, not the other members of your family.'

Encourage your friend and family member who are queer parents of color to post their stories and share it with the world. It's time for us to be seen.

I think if you're young and you're being compared with a successful family member, it's really hard to maintain any sense of self-worth and credibility.

I stole a significant amount of money from a family member. I knew I was going to get caught, but I was so desperate I didn't care. It was a cry for help.

Probably the worst time in a person's life is when they have to kill a family member because they are the devil. But otherwise it's been a pretty good day.

If you have a friend or family member with breast cancer, try not to look at her with 'sad eyes.' Treat her like you always did; just show a little extra love.

My first bat was a Duncan Fearnley 405, size two. I was aged about four. I loved that bat, such great memories. I gave it to a family member and never saw it again.

I really love my family. The more independence that I get and the more freedom that I have, the more interested I am in being a dedicated and involved family member.

I'm trying to tell kids if they are gay, it's OK to be gay. I've tried to tell families if they have a gay family member to accept them and love them as they always have.

Members of the Senate and House, if they want to send troops into war, should be forced to send a family member. That would really make everyone stop and go, 'Ohhh-kaaay.'

Getting people where they want to go, reliably and happily, can make or break their ability to succeed in a work endeavor or to hug a family member at an important moment.

With 'Hollow Circus,' I used a family story that haunted me as a kid, one of those anecdotes about a family member that would rarely be spoken of in front of the children.

'I Know You Care' is really personal and fragile for me. For me, it's about losing a family member and also about a breakup. It's about this idea of losing someone for good.

Every child should have a caring adult in their lives. And that's not always a biological parent or family member. It may be a friend or neighbor. Often times it is a teacher.

To be selected was an honor, and in respect of the family member chosen to run, families held feasts and gave away prized beaver coats, quilled tobacco bags and buffalo hides.

If you have a friend or a family member who's bipolar, or has panic attack disorder, or is depressed, read up on it a little bit so you can get to know where they're coming from.

A family member of mine was diagnosed with lymphoma, and the treatment they're getting wouldn't exist if it weren't for the work that Team in Training does. I want to support them.

Most Americans have some experience with nursing homes or other long term care settings, and nearly half have had a family member or close friend in a home in the past three years.

Both my father and mother were survivors of the Warsaw Ghetto and the Nazi concentration camps. Apart from my parents, every family member on both sides was exterminated by the Nazis.

It's nice to have a safe place to have a conversation going; whether it's a friend or family member, you can use 'Queer Eye' as an entry point to have a conversation that's meaningful.

Being a family member is hard no matter where you are. It's hard to be a kid. It's hard to be a parent. It's hard to be a brother or sister. It takes patience and kindness and forbearance.

When you become an adult and you have a choice of who to have in your life, if someone's hurting you and making you feel bad, then they shouldn't be in your life, even if it's a family member.

As for suspense, I like to write books that draw you into the hero's plight from the opening pages, where people put their lives on the line for something - a belief, a family member, the truth.

You walk into someone's house and they're dying, or they've got a family member who is dying. Your needs are minor; you're there to serve and to advise and to educate. You're not there to provide yourself.

I think it's been a little difficult at times for the audience, because they've told me they see me as a family member. So to see your little sister sing about sex... I think they are pretty used to it now.

Women and girls are disproportionately affected by landmines. They have different needs when it comes to education about risks. And they may face greater challenges when a family member is killed or injured.

I signed this girl's arm. And the next day, a family member shot me an email, and it was a link to this girl who had my signature tattooed on her arm. I was like, 'Man, that's dedication. I'm sorry you did that.'

The fact that more than 50 percent of Americans have an immediate family member either currently or formerly incarcerated tells you a lot about just how defining a feature of American culture incarceration has become.

Whenever I have a problem, I always talk to someone away from cricket; usually a friend or a family member who is invested in wanting to help me but who won't give me a coach's perspective or a cricketer's perspective.

No parent, family member, or friend should be told that treatment isn't available for their loved one. By establishing a dedicated and stable fund for mental health, we will give hope to so many who are suffering in silence.

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