Knox County, Tennessee, is a great place to live, work, and raise a family.

I have a great work ethic - from watching Lucille Ball, not necessarily my own family.

My childhood was great, my family was great. I wasn't in a mansion, but we made it work.

It's a great club, Everton. You don't just go there to work; you have to be part of the family.

Everybody has heard that family dinner is great for kids. But unfortunately, it doesn't work in many of our lives.

There's a reason why my mom chose to stay and raise my brothers and me in Kansas - it's a great place to live, work and raise a family.

I've had the opportunity to work on some really great indie features. One of them being 'Little Savages,' which is a super fun family film.

When I heard about the great work that the NSW Family Foundation is doing to support the families of Navy Seals, I knew I wanted to support that.

My whole family was in 'Into the West' as a pioneer family; they're in the audience in 'The Great Debaters.' My family's been getting a lot of work off me!

I recall the hard work that my family went through just to continue to live the lifestyle that we were living, which wasn't by any means a great lifestyle.

When you work with the same people for 10 years, they become family. Now when I see them - it might not be for nine months - but when I see them, it's great.

My parents' story is a great example of the American dream. Their struggles, their hard work for a better family... it inspires - that no matter how bad it might seem, you can always move past that and better yourself.

The game has been great to me. The Steelers have been great to me, and I think things will work out and take its toll. But I'm just singularly focused on being a great player, being here around the guys and my teammates, and representing my family.

My mother had no interest in cartoons. I remember thinking, 'I am never going to grow into that person.' Which is so ironic - now I get to work on 'Family Guy' and 'The Simpsons' and 'Futurama', all of these great animated series! TV was my passion.

I've always been able to work as an actor and support my family and did great jobs, and more often than not, I got to turn down jobs that I didn't really want to do for various reasons or refuse to work with people I didn't like - and there are quite a few.

Dani's family are great, and I'm really lucky to have them as in-laws. But it's definitely not all plain sailing. They are such big characters who aren't scared to speak their mind, and we have different points of view at times, so we have to work through that.

On both sides of my family, my grandparents grew up in total poverty and came to California during the Great Depression. The only way they were able to work their way out of that was by joining the military, which is how they both went on to be able to go to college.

I think it's difficult to say what exactly made me become a successful DJ. It depends on so many different things. If I were given an award, I would thank my family, friends, Tiesto and the great team behind me for all their support and hard work. Without them, I wouldn't be where I am today.

Before it was decided that I was going to be adopted, my mother was going to abort me. I was born with tangled legs; they never thought I'd be able to dance... without knowing it, as a child I overcame a lot thanks to really doting, loving parents and a great family and a hard work ethic on my part.

The more nobly a man wills and acts, the more avid he becomes for great and sublime aims to pursue. He will no longer be content with family, country, and the remunerative aspect of his work. He will want wider organisations to create, new paths to blaze, causes to uphold, truths to discover, an ideal to cherish and defend.

How can you not have preconceived notions and expectations of who Kelsey Grammer is gonna be? He's been in my living room since my TV was on. And he exceeded them all, somehow. He's such a beautiful and open-hearted collaborator and mentor and such a great family man. I was just lucky to get to work with him and learn from him.

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