My party is committed to a federation.

Chechnya is part and parcel of the Russian Federation.

It is so important that our federation stands by our athletes.

I am a human being, a citizen of the Russian Federation, a Russian.

As they say, anything can happen in the World Wrestling Federation.

Russian citizens being attacked is an attack against the Russian Federation.

I'm an ardent Trekkie and I look forward to the United Federation of Planets.

My priority is, do my players feel supported from within their dressing room by their own federation?

I have a tremendous respect to all French Federation of Football football teams, players, and supporters.

The Czech tennis federation wasn't holding me back, but they could still pull the plug anytime they wanted.

Hopefully I can become the Babe Ruth of the World Wrestling Federation and be the champion at the same time.

I was never involved in arms trading. In the Russian Federation, arms trading is the prerogative of the state.

I don't want to work for the government, the president's administration, the State Duma, or the Federation Council.

There's no evidence that says that the money a federation has translates into success. I hope that that will change.

I'm vice chairman of the American Wild Horse Protection Association and honorary chairman of the Wildlife Federation.

Frankly speaking, we don't see any other way for the steady development of the Ukrainian state apart from as a federation.

I would like to thank the Commonwealth Games Federation for the very fair manner in which this matter has been dealt with.

Trump is what the Russians call a useful idiot, someone in service to the Russian Federation, either unwitting or wittingly.

I served as a Russian policy officer in the U.S. Navy and worked to implement our nuclear agreements with the Russian Federation.

Our expectation is that the Russian Federation does its part to protect its own citizens in full respect of human rights principles.

I was dissatisfied with the status quo back in the 80's, particularly how the West was represented in federation. I wanted to try to change it.

In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the issues of foreign policy and defense are fully in the hands of the president.

I lived in Alabama for a while during the dying days of the Continental Wrestling Federation. I lived in Montgomery and traveled all over Alabama.

I'm proud to say that we are the party of Canada's first prime minister, the father of our federation, and the visionary who made this land possible.

I am happy to announce that we have reached an agreement on the question of transit between the Kaliningrad region and the rest of the Russian Federation.

I hope the BWF (Badminton World Federation) will seriously do something about the Olympic qualifying format or risk getting badminton dropped from the Games.

I believe in libertarian options because they allow an interesting management of the capital and are based on co-operation, reciprocity, contract, federation.

The people have already determined Chechnya's status at the referendum - it is a unit of the Russian Federation. Its political status is not to be discussed any more.

I will be satisfied if the federation of secret law, unequal pardon and irresistible executive powers that rule the world that I love are revealed even for an instant.

I do feel that federation, loose parallel processes, are less than we've got, less than we could have and, in the very long run, less than what God wants in the Church.

I was a supporter of the desire, in my section of Nigeria, to leave the federation because it was treated very badly with something that was called genocide in those days.

If the Palestinian Olympic Committee or Palestinian Federation provide good facilities to the athletes then maybe I can become better than these Bahraini or Qatari athletes.

The countries of Europe are too small to guarantee their peoples the necessary prosperity and social development. The European states must constitute themselves into a federation.

I stopped this one about two months before federation and I want the next one to be more political. It will deal with the formation of white Australian policy and things like that.

As athletes, we sit and think, when international media or whoever make judgments or statements about Jamaica, 'Why aren't members of our federation coming out and speaking up for us?'

Statehood is not a model for economic development; it is simply a way to organize a federation. What statehood does in fiscal and economic terms is apply uniform rules of the game to all states.

The plan was that I was going to retire and take a job with the American Federation, but Nottingham Forest offered me a contract and there was interest from West Ham and another Premiership club.

And currently, there are four to five new works in the pipeline for upcoming celebrations such as the Sydney 2000 Olympics, Australian Federation, my 50th Birthday, and Sydney Dance Company's 25th Anniversary.

If we are to celebrate the giants in Australian public life, then Robert Garran must be among them. A lawyer and passionate advocate of Federation, Garran was one of several hands that drafted our constitution.

I will not play a farewell game with the national team. I would like to thank the federation for expressing an interest. But I prefer to leave football with an official match because I am not a fan of farewell games.

And we will accept the creation of the Iberian Federation of a socialist republic which will give each region the right to construct its life in accordance with its economic possibilities and political preponderance.

Otherwise we get off the track and we do not fulfil the historical role which we want to fulfil: to help the masses, the exploited and the oppressed of the world, build a classless society, a world socialist federation.

Furthermore, it is not distorting history to say that it was largely through the efforts and propaganda of our International Federation that the government of the U.S.S.R. was recognized by the majority of the great powers.

As I'm sure you may know, I'm planning to become a spaceflight participant and have been recently approved to begin my spaceflight training by the Russian space federation having passed the necessary medical and physical tests.

One of the U.S. Soccer Federation's points is that it's an honour and a privilege to to play for this country, and it is. But we also represent the entire country, and the idea of liberty and justice isn't afforded to everyone.

What I will say is that there is no governing body in strongman. There's no federation. There's no group of people or person that overlooks the sport, or says that this is a world record, or 'we'll count this as a world record.'

I don't think anyone would say that the women on the United States national team are not great role models and ambassadors. Everywhere we go, we connect with fans, sign autographs, and represent our sport and federation with class.

After the assassination of my wife, our nation was perilously close to civil strife. If I, as the co-chairman of the Party, had asked my people to take to the streets, the very existence of the federation would have been threatened.

The Social-Democratic Federation took part in all the political and economic struggles of the English working class; it took pains to bring Socialist views home to them, not only through agitation and propaganda, but also by actions.

We still believe that if the Russian Federation and the United States bring their minds together, we can develop a common system which would be efficient in protecting the Euro-Atlantic region from threats coming outside this region.

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