I love festivals, period.

Yeah, I love festivals, man.

I want to play more festivals.

I really love the festival circuit.

Festivals are quite difficult to me.

I love the outdoor festival feeling.

I see most of my movies at festivals.

I am not a regular at film festivals.

I am passionate about film festivals.

As far as festivals, nothing tops Cannes.

Christmas Day is the festival of optimism.

For the wise man, every day is a festival.

Revolution is the festival of the oppressed.

I'd met Sharon Tate at the Cannes Film Festival.

People need to stop filming things at festivals.

I don't set out to make a film for festivals abroad.

I never go to film festivals. I am allergic to them.

I have an Italian comedy at the Venice Film Festival.

Death is the supreme festival on the road to freedom.

I definitely enjoy doing big festivals and big shows.

Film festivals is a great way to display good cinema.

The moon has become a dancer at this festival of LOVE.

People throw things at me sometimes, at big festivals.

Sometimes success is just limited to festival circuit.

I really do try and play as many festivals as possible.

Spring and summer in Pittsburgh mean outdoor festivals.

The greatness of a culture can be found in its festivals

Download was one of the best festivals I've ever been to.

We're playing all these weird festivals, usually outdoors.

Bringing production to a festival can be tricky sometimes.

I always celebrate festivals - whether it's Holi or Diwali.

He was deader than a shrunken head at a Hackey Sack festival.

In terms of film festivals, Cannes is the greatest launch pad.

I love the crowds at festivals because they're so chilled out.

Stay well away from the enemies of Allâh during their festivals.

I always wanted to play festivals more than anything in Scotland.

It's hard to get that real good feeling about festivals sometimes.

Festivals become a family because you start seeing the same people.

I love going to football matches, the skate park, and music festivals.

For every rockabilly festival staged here, there are 10 held overseas.

Live every day as if it is a festival. Turn your life into a celebration

I saw my first gig here actually (Festival Hall in Brisbane) Duran Duran.

I've always been dead set against festivals - really suspicious and wary.

Festivals cause diseases, since they lighten cares but increase gluttony.

I got more publicity for not doing a festival than for doing the festival.

Often I go to book festivals and they just turn authors into celebrities.'

I went to the Tokyo Film Festival in Japan because I love Japanese cinema.

Then when I got to Hollywood, the first musical I did was Festival in 1977.

There are a lot more variables with festivals than just playing in a venue.

Well I was on the jury duty on the Deauville Film Festival, a few years ago.

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