I knew I wanted to write novels, but I could not finish what I started. The closer I got, the more ways I'd find to screw it up.

A doable goal for me is to finish a marathon under four hours. I'm doing all the training, but the hardest part is eating right.

I can shoot, or I can roll, I can finish inside, I can take two-point shots, I can switch on defence and I can protect the paint.

If Truman hadn't published 'Answered Prayers' in parts, he'd have had the drive to finish it. The peacocks took it away from him.

It's easier to come up with new stories than it is to finish the ones you already have. I think every author would feel that way.

I'm of course jumping right in with the attitude that I can win the Eurovision Song Contest - or at least finish in second place!

Just in any job, if you want to get ahead, take shorter lunch breaks, be happy to stay later, do the work, and finish it off well.

Writing is not what you start. It's not even what you finish. It's what you start, finish, and put out there for the world to see.

My art flatters nobody by imitation; it courts nobody by smoothness, tickles nobody by petiteness... there is no finish in nature.

Chanel is a very important vendor for Neiman Marcus. My favorite thing is the way they finish off the hems on dresses and jackets.

When I finish something, I want it out that day. Pop music is like the daily paper. Its got to be there then, not six months later.

I can quote every single line in 'The Big Lebowski' from start to finish. That's what happens when you see a movie two dozen times.

When I finish games, I want to have the feeling that I helped my team as much as I could, and the fans saw I was determined to win.

It's just kinda irritating to me that we're awarding people in mixed martial arts for trying to move away and not finish the fight.

At the end of the day I want to be the first rider across that finish line and I'll just find the quickest and easiest way to do it.

To do the Ozzfest again would be great. I'd like to finish with a final Sabbath album. You always feel that it is still a challenge.

If I can't finish a screenplay, if I can't get to the last page as a writer, it probably means it's not a good movie for me to make.

There aren't too many people out there who can start one of my books and not finish it. I don't think too many writers can say that.

I can remember sittin' in a cafe when I first started in rodeo, and waitin' until somebody got done so I could finish what they left.

We've got a strong group of Republicans who are conservatives who know that their jobs aren't finished when they finish their speech.

Once I opened a book, I felt compelled to finish it. I was drawn into a world, and I had to know what would happen, how it would end.

I can't live without my milk. We get 3 gallons every time we go shopping, and I finish it in two weeks. I drink maybe five cups a day.

I'd like to say I was smart enough to finish six grades in five years, but I think perhaps the teacher was just glad to get rid of me.

There are all these things I want to do when I don't have to finish a book. But I have to keep writing because I keep having children.

I'm perfectly proud of the work I did, looking back at it. I know I've had a bit of a revision since my 'Big Finish' stories came out.

Be yourself. Above all, let who you are, what you are, what you believe shine through every sentence you write, every piece you finish.

When you finish a drama, you go, 'I can't wait to do a comedy.' When you finish a comedy, you go, 'I want to do a dramedy, dark humor.'

We unwittingly judge products by their boxes, books by their covers, and even corporation's annual reports by their nice glossy finish.

Fast-paced from start to finish, 'The Honourable Schoolboy' is fired by le Carre's conviction regarding evil done and its consequences.

I think in terms of chapters. Every time I finish a movie, it's a chapter. When one of my kids graduates from school, that's a chapter.

When I got into this sport, I thought all I had to do was beat people and finish fights, and everything else would take care of itself.

Once I'm on stage, there's just no time for a sip of water - I've always got my hands in puppets! My voice is raw by the time I finish.

My biographers... would like to have my time at the court almost complete before they finish the book. We decided... to flip the order.

I am in that position where I finish something, it goes out, and I'm onto the next thing. I finish it, it goes out, onto the next thing.

There are two golden rules for an orchestra: start together and finish together. The public doesn't give a damn what goes on in between.

For anybody who writes, very often, when you finish an album, you are so done with it. You've been listening in minutia, in super-focus.

When I finish my school work for the day, I like to go play basketball, ride my bike or skateboard, play video games, or go free running.

I believe I have a lot to offer when I finish football as well. I always said I didn't want to become a manager, but I changed that view.

You finish a movie and you think, there, you've done it, really well, or best you can. But if you watch it, you see it was just bollocks.

If you can start and finish a book, then you're already a million miles ahead of all those people who talk about wanting to write a book.

It's not good to stretch when you're cold. Get your heart rate up, and once you finish, take time to stretch and let your body calm down.

I've never been a fast reader. I'm fickle; I don't finish books I start; I put a book aside for five, ten years and then take it up again.

We need to say to everyone on Election Day, 'Those of you who helped make this a good day, you need to go out and help us finish the job.'

I went to art high school and thought I'd be a painter. Unfortunately I didn't finish high school, but that's always been part of my work.

The one thing that I would say that defines me is I love to learn. I get excited about new things. I buy more books than I read or finish.

I'm just trying to be a better fighter every time I compete, so it's all about being more strategic and looking for a way to get a finish.

I always dreamed of writing in an orchestral context. But when you finish a piece, you want to hear it. So we played everything with Phish.

Accessories are the perfect way to add something special. A hair comb or a beaded clutch can be a lovely detail to finish your bridal look.

Once I have the grain of an idea, it haunts me until I finish the story. I don't like to be haunted, of course, so immediately get to work.

Fantasy football has changed how I watch football because now every game is interesting start to finish. Even when its the Browns and Lions.

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