The only real failure to me is if you don't finish something.

We're giving RCA another record, and that should finish them.

Coming in as a veteran, I'd like to finish with a gold medal.

My grandmother always told me how you start is how you finish.

I firmly believe if you start something, you should finish it.

It's important to complete things and finish what you started.

I've got to take care of the knee to finish the season healthy.

Come over here and sit on my knee and finish your orange juice.

Marriage is an institution and that's where a couple finish up.

There's no point starting something you don't intend to finish.

Seven and the Ragged Tiger took six months to record and finish.

You've got to be able to finish out the season on a strong note.

I've started lots of books, but it's hard for me to finish them.

When I finish a film, I put it away and I never look at it again.

I only read the left-hand pages, so I finish books twice as fast.

I learnt that I must never finish a book with nothing else to do.

When I finish playing, I think I'd like to coach college baseball.

Fourth is the worst position to finish. You just missed the podium.

If nice guys finish last, then great guys come in right after them.

I have this thing that, once I finish a movie, I never see it again.

I wouldn't be surprised if this game went all the way to the finish.

When I'm working on a movie, I will make any sacrifice to finish it.

Allow the artist to finish the piece of work before you critique it.

In some states, not even 50 percent of black boys finish high school.

It took us three months to finish the arrangement of 'Thunderstruck.'

I say I have a midlife crisis every time I start and finish a record.

Everything starts with God in my career, and it will finish with God.

We don't start a job that we can't finish... that's the American way.

It's not like I've got 100 ideas. I finish a book, and I've got none.

I really want to go back to school and finish up my sociology degree.

I always finish off my look with a spritz of Vera Wang Pink Princess.

I'm a perfectionist, and to actually finish something is good for me.

But for each of us, isn't life about determining your own finish line?

It's very likely that I will finish my career as Swiss national coach.

Anytime you finish a climb, there's always the next thing you can try.

If you look up every last detail on your subject, you'll never finish.

It always takes the truth a little bit longer to cross the finish line.

I'm going to finish my runs hard, and I'm going to try to set the tone.

Sometimes when you finish a book, you don't know quite what you've got.

The way to push things through to a finish effectively must be learned.

It took me 29 years to finish that song. That's a typical Jardine move.

Before I can finish one song, another is knocking on my door in my head.

For a clean makeup finish, I use Cle de Peau translucent pressed powder.

When you finish a film, if you believed in your character, you're empty.

To be stronger, you finish everything you start. You can't take a break.

The dumbest childhood vow I ever made was to finish every book I started.

I'm racing against me. As long as I come across the finish, I'll be okay.

We started out to finish groups like U2 - that was what it was all about.

When I finish playing football, I would like to work with kids and sleep!

There are two kinds of people, those who finish what they start and so on.

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