If I had some idea of a finish line, don't you think I would have crossed it years ago?

There are times when one would like to hang the whole human race, and finish the farce.

The war on terror is a fight that we did not start, but it is one that we shall finish.

To be able to finish opportunities that I do get in the paint, that makes a difference.

I love doing the 'New York Times' crossword puzzle, even on the days I can't finish it.

I am a New Yorker, and 7:00 A.M. is a civilized hour to finish the day, not to start it.

I don't finish every story, but I probably write and send out three out of five of them.

I finish so many books it's amazing. I'm also doing Rosetta Stone, learning some French.

We will never finish everything on our to-do lists. It's not possible, and that is life!

I wasn't trained as a writer-director. And the projects I write are difficult to finish.

Education begins the gentleman, but reading, good company and reflection must finish him.

You're more likely to finish a book you enjoy, than one that feels like literary drudgery.

Well, usually when I finish one character, I'm looking for a role that's really different.

It ended up taking eight years to finish college because I got deployed and went overseas.

Doing a play is so fulfilling. Words cannot describe how I feel when I finish doing a play.

I could finish my career being a defensive coordinator and say, 'Hey, he's Mickey Andrews.'

To succeed in life in today's world, you must have the will and tenacity to finish the job.

Even now I can say I'd love to finish my career here, and then stay in the game after that.

Well, once we finish something, I can't really listen to it because all I hear are problems.

I have to admit that I was very happy to finish 'In the Cut,' and happy not to return to it.

God will finish what He authors, but He is not obligated to finish what He has not authored.

Nice guys finish first. If you don't know that, then you don't know where the finish line is.

A footballer's career is very short, and I want to finish it in a strong and spectacular way.

When I'm in the studio, I don't finish the song and say, 'That's going to be a big ringtone.'

If I'd had some set idea of a finish line, don't you think I would have crossed it years ago?

When I was a child I didn't care about getting an education, and I didn't finish high school.

I didn't go to university. Didn't even finish A-levels. But I have sympathy for those who did.

At age 77, I need the help of someone with more energy than I can now summon to finish a book.

I didn't finish high school. I tried to as an adult, but with all this touring, I had to quit.

I've learned that the most important thing in football when finish a race are the experiences.

It's the thing they don't teach you in film school - what happens after you finish your movie.

I'm still in school - I'm home-schooled. I do school every day. I finish in, like, four months.

I pretty much believe that a film is a film and when an audience watches a film, they finish it.

I enjoy being in New York. I have so many fans here that sing all my songs from start to finish.

All good entrepreneurs have to start somewhere with a dedicated plan to finish in a great place.

I wanna make a jigsaw puzzle that's 40,000 pieces. And when you finish it, it says 'go outside.'

To confront criminals, we need to finish with corruption. If we don't do this, there is no hope.

I knew I'd have to go to work in real estate or something else or I could never finish my novel.

I want to release another CD this year, finish writing a screenplay, and make another short film.

There has to be a protagonist who has to overcome challenges, and there will be a race to finish.

Writing is like hitting yourself on the head with a hammer. It always feels good when you finish.

I want to finish my career in Cleveland. They gave me the opportunity to play in the big leagues.

That's the thing about making a movie: You never finish editing. They just take it away from you.

In soloing - as in other activities - it is far easier to start something than it is to finish it.

I never know when I finish the novel I am writing which will be the next novel out of the station.

If you don't finish a day of stunts with a lot of bruises, you feel like you haven't done it right.

I defy anyone to finish Halldor Laxness's 'Independent People' without wetting the pages with tears.

It's a phobia I have. I never assume I'm going to be able to write another album after I finish one.

If you're onstage thinking about what you're going to eat when you get offstage, it's time to finish.

Man was nature's mistake she neglected to finish him and she has never ceased paying for her mistake.

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