The thing that makes me want to proceed and finish a song is when it really touches me and makes me feel something.

As soon as I finish a book, I sell the paperback rights to different publishers and that's where I recoup my money.

An album is like a book or a diary or a snapshot... It just feels so like the end of a chapter when you finish one.

Rewriting isn't just about dialogue; it's the order of the scenes, how you finish a scene, how you get into a scene.

If I finish my term and have inflation down to a single digit, I will be very happy. That's four years of hard work.

I live in the present. When I finish a film, it is behind me. My reward is in my work, not in a lot of old memories.

Even if you finish the year at No. 1 in the world, and Tiger Woods has done this, you can still probably get better.

Once I finish a film, I don't ever see it again. Never ever. I have never seen any of my films since I finished them.

I'm always thinking about future projects and at the same time trying to finish the project you're in the middle off.

Each film I make changes me in some way. When I start the picture I'm one person and by the time I finish I'm another.

I was with a Navy F-18 squadron, and I know a single squadron could finish off the entire Sudanese air force in a day.

Every time I finish a book, I forget everything I learned writing it - the information just disappears out of my head.

As the finish line for 2017 begins to come into focus, I'm beginning to wonder what an Uber turnaround would look like.

I always say when you write a book, you're a 'one-man band.' Whereas, when you finish a screenplay, it's just a sketch.

Just going to the Olympics would be a dream come true. I could finish last, and it would still be an amazing experience.

The thing I ran up against was everybody wanted a song so fast. It took me two years to finish 'Touch Me in the Morning.'

Our manifesto to the British people promised to finish the job of police reform. And that is exactly what I intend to do.

Every time I finish a book, I say to an imaginary god that I do not believe in, 'Please let me live to write another one.'

I think I'm pretty smart. I think I'm pretty clever. But there's a lot that you hone in on when you finish your education.

I wish I'd got my driving license at 18, not 22. I also wish I had graduated earlier, even though I didn't finish college.

You must never aspire to 'finish' a house, you can merely hope to start it, and from then on it's an evolutionary process.

I did my first set at a talent show, and I couldn't finish because the judges didn't like my jokes. They were 'offensive.'

I usually finish things in the last second. But I think, as I've gotten older, I don't worry about it, and I just rock it.

Obviously, you want to win a trophy and finish as high up the table as possible. But it's important to focus game-by-game.

Sometimes in the middle of the night, I wake up with a song in my head, and I have to finish it so I can fall back asleep.

There is a sense of emptiness when you finish any film because you're empty and you can't give anything more to it anymore.

There are still many things to work on - the start, the transition, the finish. I am not just going to sit around and wait.

I absolutely love working on musicals, but anytime I finish a project, I want to move on to something completely different.

I was an engineering student and spent a lot of time in the library, and no one applauds when you finish your calculations.

My job starts at a quarter to seven in the morning, and you go right through until whatever time is necessary to finish up.

When you are young, hone your craft and write shorter pieces instead of novels, because it's really hard to finish a novel.

Routinely, when I finish a book, I think 'What will I do? Where will I get an idea?' And a kind of low-level panic sets in.

I like 'Shameless.' The first season I just watched it straight through. I literally didn't get up. I just had to finish it.

It was hard to write or compose... we just had to go back and finish making songs. If we make 20 songs, we'll throw away 10.

Lists of books we reread and books we can't finish tell more about us than about the relative worth of the books themselves.

My schedule is always tight. But I like to have the pressure of having to finish doing something; it gives me an added edge.

As with almost every significant aspect of the Bush presidency, its handling of 9/11 was a catastrophe from start to finish.

I finish, like, one book in a day. That's my problem. That's why Kindle is good for me, because I put, like, 15 books in it.

Advice to beginning SF writers? Write a lot, finish what you write, and when it's done, keep sending it out for quite awhile.

You finish a job and it's very emotional because you're working crazy long hours, and your work family is like a real family.

I don't like going to decisions. I always try to finish people, knock them out, beat them up, and that's always the game plan.

When you do comedy shows, you usually don't finish until about 11 P.M. Then you have this adrenaline dump, and you get hungry.

I was going to finish my university degree after finishing 'The Tailors,' but 'Pinocchio' made me to take another semester off.

There's probably nothing quite like crossing the finish line and seeing the clock read numbers that you have never seen before.

My first Olympics memory was watching Haile Gebrselassie in Sydney 2000. His sprint finish to defend his title really moved me.

I normally take a long time finding titles. I finish the book and go into sweats for months afterwards trying to think of them.

I decided to finish at Oxford because I looked up at the top of the buildings - the gargoyles and spires - and decided to stay.

After having babies, I went off most desserts and chocolates. I could never resist a Wispa or a Flake. I can't finish a bar now.

I love football so when I finish playing I would like to still be involved in it somehow and a manager would be my first choice.

I don't think I've ever read an old book through from start to finish. Not after more than six months after writing it, that is.

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