I'd like to flip houses.

I've always been a bit flip.

Faith is the flip side of fear.

I can't be as flip as I once was.

There is nothing like a hair flip!

The flip side of humiliation is pride.

I could do a standing back flip at 13.

I am physically allergic to flip-flops

The flip side of happiness is suffering.

I think Flip Wilson is a brillant comedian.

I'm a sports guy. Football, God, I flip out.

I put my thing down, flip it, and reverse it

I'll flip a stupid tire. But I ain't running.

I take references from the past and flip them.

You can't flip-flop and be commander-in-chief.

A microphone fiend; I make beats do back flips.

Now flip, flop, and fly, I don't care if I die.

Chicks can make you flip more than any drug would.

I'd wear flip-flops and jeans. I guess that's not cool.

I'm a slow starter, but it's time to flip on the switch.

I love to dance, but the flip side is that I can't dance.

If you give me six tries, I can probably land a kick flip.

Nobody asked you to flip burgers for the rest of your life.

The truth and its opposite are flip sides of the same coin.

My elbows are double-jointed, so I can flip them inside out.

The enforcement is the flip side to the growth. And that's OK.

Writing is the flip side of sex - it's good only when it's over.

People would be surprised to know I had a flip phone until 2015.

That's what you do with the worst day ever: you flip it on its back.

Christina on the Coast' is completely different from 'Flip or Flop.'

I love a bit of drama. That's a bad thing. I can flip really quickly.

We should not confuse having a Flip camera with making a documentary.

I feel most sexy when I'm in love. My stomach flips. I get butterflies.

I can take a phrase that's rarely heard/Flip it - now it's a daily word

Dilla could flip a boring record and make you feel like you were flying.

Peace through strength works; but the flip side is war invited by weakness.

Moderation is actually the flip side of dieting, that is, imposed deprivation.

I'm not good enough to flip in and out of my Brit accent to my American accent.

You can't get too comfortable and relax, because your world can flip overnight.

When the time is right, I'll start making investments and try to flip my money.

If you are going to flip something, you must have the courage of your convictions.

I've missed being able to flip in the air, flip on the beam and swing on the bars.

I do flip between being chatty and argumentative - and being a psycho-loner werewolf.

The man committing suicide controls the moment of his death by executing a back flip.

I don't flip. I don't even dive into a pool - straight cannonball for me. No, thanks.

I was born in platform heels. I actually always fall down when I'm wearing flip-flops.

If I wasn't my age, I would turn a flip. I would do some cartwheels. That's how I feel.

The flip side of renewables' low energy density is their low return on energy invested.

I had a flip phone until I was 25, and I didn't use social media until that age, either.

I can run up a wall and do a back flip - that's the most impressive thing that I can do.

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