I used to sleep on floors and face racial abuse.

I slept in closets and on floors for a long time.

I was sleeping on editing room floors for $300 a week.

My idea of superwoman is someone who scrubs her own floors.

Scrubbing floors and emptying bedpans has as much dignity as the Presidency.

A nice quick workout is the stairs; it takes me five minutes to do 24 floors.

I don't care if I'm starting or sweeping the floors. You hear me? I want to win.

I started at Nottingham Forest cleaning toilets and scrubbing the shower floors.

My momma didn't clean up floors so I could be a thug... so I could wear my pants down.

I'll sweep the floors. I've picked up napkins in the men's room. I'm not above anything.

The thing about movies is that till it goes on floors, it's just preparations for the film.

I tell myself every day I love my Jacuzzi, I love my marble floors, I love my high ceilings.

I had a nightmare that I was mopping floors and that this Freddie Gibbs thing was all a dream.

Twitter has become a group conversation of that type that used to take place on trading floors.

When I was 12, I forgot the keys to my parent's apartment. So I simply climbed up seven floors to get in.

The great doctors all got their education off dirt pavements and poverty - not marble floors and foundations.

I can install toilets. I know all about the wax ring. I can tile floors. I'm learning how to do basic wiring.

My dad and my uncles owned a bar outside of Cincinnati. I worked there growing up, mopping floors, waiting tables.

I lived rough, by my wits, was homeless, lived on the streets, lived on friends' floors, was happy, was miserable.

I was raised by my grandmother on a farm, where we were really poor - we had dirt floors - but so did everybody else.

I thought I'd reached the bottom a few times, but then I'd realise there was another 30 floors of despair below that.

I have no trouble with y enemies. But my god damn friends... they are the ones that keep me walking the floors at night.

I used to play snooker in millionaires' mansions with marble floors and eat at the best places, but that's all over now.

Why should I apologize because God throws in crystal chandeliers, mahogany floors, and the best construction in the world?

Motion-picture studio floors used to be all wooden and not smooth at all. This was difficult when moving a camera around on a dolly.

I never mind scrubbing floors, vacuuming or bending and carrying stuff. Each time I do it I think, this is instead of going to the gym.

Journalists like to say I started off sweeping the pottery floors. But it was just a short-lived part time job doing that after I left school.

Development is not that you make bridges, buildings or put marble floors in your house. Real development is building moral character of youth.

When I was a kid, my father would go to our school in the summer to sweep, mop, and wax the floors, room by room, hall by hall, week after week.

Wall Street trading floors have long been seen as bastions of testosterone that rewarded, literally, those with sharp elbows who could throw a punch.

I've spent a lot of time being bohemian and sleeping on floors, but eventually I want to have kids and I want to bring them up in a secure environment.

I worked in Dad's stores, moving boxes - I remember quite well one stockroom that was upstairs - sweeping floors, laying tile. I also had paper routes.

I think when you grow up - cement floors, tin roofs, having to amuse yourselves... you know, the importance of work - I think these are benefits that I've had.

All too often in tough economic times, it is the environment that gets left on the cutting room floors of Congress as everyone scraps for limited federal dollars.

For most of Wall Street's history, stock trading was fairly straightforward: buyers and sellers gathered on exchange floors and dickered until they struck a deal.

I have been on shop floors. I have talked to a lot of the companies that create jobs in South Carolina and across the country. And what they want is less regulation.

Our Trolls are like gummy bears that have been flocked in velvet, and it's a world made of fiber art... carpeted floors, houses made of hair - even fire is made of hair.

I make sure that I am active all time. For example I make it a point not to use the lift or escalator. If there is a staircase then I will climb it, even if it is 10 floors.

I don't want it to be comfortable for players to step in, stroll about and walk away with three points. But there won't be any old-school flat balls, cold tea or wet floors.

Sometimes, there is a long gap between the time the script was written and when it went on the floors. Being on the sets can be refreshing, as you can revive the script in some ways.

When I was born in 1959, the hospital in which I arrived had separate floors for black babies and white babies, and it was then illegal for blacks and whites to marry in many states.

When you are cleaning, sweeping, swabbing floors and running around for the littlest of things on a shoot for an ad or a documentary, you realize how tough life is behind the camera.

You're not going to talk to your vacuum cleaning robot: in fact, you may never see your vacuum cleaning robot because, ideally, you come home every day and your floors are freshly vacuumed.

I love doing kitchen renovations where we're opening up the kitchen and creating open-concept main floors. I think that's one renovation that really changes the way people live in their homes.

I love to come home and work on one of my other jobs. Just to remember that the floors gotta be mopped, and that everything isn't centered around what you fought about in Washington last week.

I loved the atmosphere of the dance studios - the wooden floors, the big mirrors, everyone dressed in pink or black tights, the musicians accompanying us - and the feeling of ritual the classes had.

The floors were so sparkling clean you could eat off them. But we only ate off silver. Our grapes were imported from Persia. When my mother married, 10 English sergeants guarded her gifts of jewelry.

When you do something, do it right the first time... When you're talking about hard-working, when you go out of your way to mop floors and strip them and do all those things, it's kind of like, 'Dang.'

I grew up less than a mile from folks that lived in shacks with dirt floors. I certainly know that there are needs in this country. Not too far from your house, if you look around, people need to be helped.

Cities might become biological entities, walls hung with curtains of algae that glow at night and sequester carbon, and floors made from tweaked cellular material that strengthens like bones as we walk on it.

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