I always followed my own path.

Life drew me and I followed it.

O, had I but followed the arts!

I never really followed grunge.

I have always followed my heart.

Wherever I go, I'm followed by trouble.

I have only ever followed my conscience.

Music has always followed a cyclic trend.

I followed the war wherever I could reach it.

Only two journalists followed the team around.

I have never followed anyone's style of singing.

I followed the rules, and I was a high achiever.

Since childhood, I have always followed my heart.

All Europe, including Erasmus, has followed Luther.

King Pellinore that time followed the questing beast.

Whenever I climb I am followed by a dog called 'Ego'.

I'm followed everywhere - it has become normal for me.

Some loved me, some hated me - but they all followed me.

I put in my time, I worked hard and I followed my dreams.

My political giving has merely followed my relationships.

If pleasure was not followed by pain, who would forbear it?

I got married very young, and children followed soon after.

I give strong advice, but I don't expect it to be followed.

I feel like trouble has followed me from the day I was born.

I don't want to be followed by paparazzi; that terrifies me.

I followed a guy to Denmark. I came home with a broken heart.

It was bloody difficult getting followed around all the time.

Great breakthroughs are always followed by great catastrophes.

I followed tennis a little. I liked Lendl, Edberg, and Rafter.

I was blessed to have followed a legendary coach in Chuck Noll.

Wherever socialism spread, misery followed - and still follows.

Federal law must be followed where federal dollars are in play.

Juventus is a huge club. I followed the team since I was young.

I just followed my gut feeling when I went to Hyderabad in 2008.

I followed my dream as a child and I'm loving every minute of it.

What I look forward to is continued immaturity followed by death.

A huge adrenaline rush is usually followed by a pretty low point.

I never followed fashion. It's women who have dictated my conduct.

My father was MD of Unilever, so we followed him around the world.

I followed my instincts; I followed my intuition, and it paid off.

I really just followed my musical instincts every step of my life.

I have always followed a healthy protein and lower-carb lifestyle.

The British press has been unfair to me and the public has followed.

If I've ever followed Conte, then it's been to get a coffee at most.

The only durable sense of success is if you've followed your calling.

Sympathy is important, but it rings hollow if not followed by action.

What I present is just a lifestyle I've long followed and appreciated.

If I had followed the multitude, I should not have studied philosophy.

Ladakh has changed a lot. Flash floods are common, followed by drought.

It's very scary to become someone new, to take that path less followed.

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