I love San Francisco!

I love San Francisco.

San Francisco, coolest place ever.

I live in San Francisco, and I love it.

I have no desire to go back to San Francisco.

I used to be a street singer in San Francisco.

My dream is to retire as a San Francisco 49er.

In San Francisco, our diversity is our strength.

In San Francisco, I lived in Bayview-Hunters Point.

I've got more chins than a San Francisco phonebook.

I love San Francisco. I have a lot of memories there.

San Francisco. The one team that everyone in LA hates.

It was totally insane doing goat yoga in San Francisco.

San Francisco is one of my favorite cities in the world.

San Francisco is one of my favorite cities on the planet.

Back in the 60s, San Francisco artists lived in communes.

This is one Hart that you will not leave in San Francisco.

San Francisco is gone. Nothing remains of it but memories.

I grew up in San Francisco. And I grew up with gay parents.

San Francisco is not a boutique - it's a center of commerce.

I invested in Uber in 2011 when it was only in San Francisco.

I didn't like Los Angeles very much but I like San Francisco.

My brother and I used to collect comic books in San Francisco.

San Francisco has always been a great city for art collectors.

I love eating in San Francisco, Chiang Dao, China, Tokyo, Hanoi.

San Francisco is perhaps the most European of all American cities.

San Francisco is a place that stands up for our LGBTQ communities.

My parents moved to San Francisco from India when I was a year old.

Many people in San Francisco know me, and they know my persistence.

San Francisco is a beacon of hope for LGBTQ people around the world.

I grew up in Oregon, and then I lived in San Francisco and New York.

I would rather be in San Francisco than just about anywhere on Earth.

I grew up in Marin County, which is a wealthy suburb of San Francisco.

My home is San Francisco - that is definitely what I consider my home.

San Francisco is the microcosm for what's happening all over the world.

I'm a huge fan of the Bay Area so I always love coming to San Francisco.

Nothing important has ever come out of San Francisco, Rice-a-Roni aside.

When you come to San Francisco, we want you to know where Salesforce is.

I dress as a combination of space cowgirl and San Francisco art teacher.

San Francisco is one of the worst-dressed cities in the world, bar none.

Right before I moved out to San Francisco, I played in Buddy Guy's band.

San Francisco needs to become a city where you have late night offerings.

Playing football in San Francisco was almost a transcendental experience.

When I was 19 years old, I hitchhiked across the country to San Francisco.

When you play quarterback in San Francisco, not much goes under the radar.

I grew up in San Francisco, and I trained as a ballet dancer until college.

If you have to be a one-hit wonder, then 'San Francisco' is the one to have.

I think San Francisco is the best place in the whole world for an easy life.

Ramen in L.A. is much better than ramen in San Francisco. That's just a fact.

I run in London, in San Francisco - any city that's got a waterfront or park.

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