The freedom to convert is fundamental to freedom of religion.

Alabama has a history of safeguarding our freedom of religion.

Freedom of religion has been replaced by freedom from religion.

Resist this war on God, freedom of religion and freedom of speech.

The Constitution provides for freedom of religion, not freedom from religion.

When you legislate personal belief, you're in violation of freedom of religion.

I believe that freedom of speech and freedom of religion go hand-in-hand in America.

Israel can't be the only country in the Western world not to have freedom of religion.

No power over the freedom of religion [is] delegated to the United States by the Constitution.

I am known for a life spent in the struggle for freedom, and freedom includes the freedom of religion.

We're losing our freedom of speech. We are losing freedom of religion. We are losing freedom of the press.

Freedom of religion does not entitle your religion to have a privileged position within the public sphere.

The First Amendment freedom of religion is as important today as when the Bill of Rights was first written.

When I think about America, I think about freedom. Freedom of speech, freedom of religion. It's a peaceful country.

Religious fundamentalists are unaware that freedom of religion necessarily brings with it the freedom to mock religion.

The Coptic Church respects the law but it does not accept rulings that go against the Bible and our freedom of religion.

In a perfect world, there would be freedom of religion and freedom for all religions to exercise their religion everywhere.

We have freedom of religion in our country, yet we must guard against forcible conversions or through pecuniary enticements.

The obligation of the state is to guarantee freedom of religion, and that implies dealing with all of them on an equal footing.

Freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of religion all have a double aspect - freedom of thought and freedom of action.

I cannot reconcile monitoring certain people for no reason other than their religion with the freedom of religion we have here in America.

We are built on a structure of the freedom of religion and the non-establishment of religion. That really is a pretty sturdy rudder for the U.S.

Our values are tolerance and determination and freedom of religion, freedom to act, opportunities, equality of opportunities amongst everyone and for all.

In many places around the world, including Turkey until the 1950s, Muslims didn't have full freedom of religion. Even personal practice was not allowed, and they had to practice in secret.

Freedom. Freedom of religion. Freedom to speak their mind. Freedom to build a life. And yes, freedom to build a business. With their own hands. This is the essence of the American experience.

As we see thousands of public and private Christmas trees and nativity displays around the country, they remind us again of the powerful American value built into our Constitution: our freedom of religion.

Freedom of religion requires not only freeing religion from undue government regulation and interference. It also requires freeing religion from discrimination and from vile acts of hatred and persecution.

Factually, the Temple Mount is the precise location of the Temple. It's the holiest place in the world for Jews. It's the third holiest place for Muslims. And we need to respect each others' rights, freedom of religion.

We have convinced over one billion members of the Islamic faith that we are prejudiced against their religion, that we would deny them freedom of religion, that we want suppress their culture and invade their governments.

Freedom of religion is a principle that is central to our Nation's Declaration of Independence. Congress has taken this positive step to protect our freedom to express allegiance to America's flag and the ideals it represents.

President Obama's respect for the Constitution does not extend to freedom of religion - his administration has forced religious businessowners to pay for insurance plans that cover activities in violation of religious precepts.

President Obama understands that, as a nation founded by those who fled religious persecution, freedom of religion is central to who we are as Americans. Our rights are not given to us by government, they are endowed by our Creator.

The inviolability of the seal of confession is so fundamental to the very nature of the sacrament that any proposal which undermines that inviolability is a challenge to the rights of every Catholic to freedom of religion and conscience.

Since Castro took power, the Cuban people have been denied basic human freedoms. No freedom of religion, no freedom of the press, no political freedom. And the regime uses brutality and violence to suppress these freedoms and impose its will.

Reagan never cottoned to dictators. He was pure in this notion in a true belief that democracy was the best solution in the world because it spoke to people's hopes and dreams and aspirations, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of speech.

America has a long history of pride in the military uniform, and the Army has a 362-page directive on proper uniform wear. Included are guidelines that accommodate freedom of religion by outlining what religious attire or jewelry can be worn with the uniform.

And let me make this very clear - unlike President Obama, I will not raise taxes on the middle class. As president, I will protect the sanctity of life. I will honor the institution of marriage. And I will guarantee America's first liberty: the freedom of religion.

I understand what justice is, and I understand what freedom is, and all of my friends do. It's always been that way. I love freedom of speech. I love freedom of religion. I want my neighbor to be totally fine, for him to be a completely flaming gay guy with his new husband.

Genghis Khan decreed religious tolerance for all of his conquered peoples. So I think he definitely would approve of our constitutional protections of freedom of religion. I think he would also approve of the way the U.S. has been able to attract talented people from all over the world.

We need to understand the difference between freedom of religion - which is absolutely guaranteed and I would fervently defend. Sharia law is politics; it's not religion. If you say that a woman is voluntarily going to be of lesser value than a man, which is in sharia law, can we allow that?

We are a nation of immigrants, a quilt of many colors, and we've managed over more than two centuries to create a way of life that allows for a reasonable degree of upward mobility, that prizes individual liberty, promotes freedom of religion and genuinely values equal rights for all citizens.

I would not, under any circumstances, try to impose my personal faith and belief on the rest of the country. I don't think that's right. I don't think that's appropriate. But freedom of religion doesn't mean freedom from religion. And I think that anything we can do to promote the idea that people should express their faith is a good thing.

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