I'm keeping my acerbic wit completely fueled.

Being vegan keeps my body fueled and running smoothly.

I think my father's skepticism fueled me to work harder.

The Iraq war fueled distrust of the press from both sides.

America cannot function if we are a society fueled by riots.

Being the youngest of five, you're adored, you're fueled with confidence.

Some of the greatest moments in human history were fueled by emotional intelligence.

It's really easy to slide into a depression fueled by the pointlessness of existence.

Obviously the imagination is fueled by emotions beyond the control of the conscious mind.

There's an abundance of hope in Hollywood, as if it's fueled by the sun, and maybe it is.

If you're a happy person around food, you can be a professional chef. It's fueled by passion.

The mobile Internet is growing, fueled by increasing smartphone penetration and better networks.

Fueled by the kindness and generosity of strangers, 'Food for the Poor' builds houses for people.

I'm hugely intrinsically motivated and have always believed that I'm fueled and motivated by learning.

Consider this: alms aside, Wikipedia is fueled by competitive pedantry and emo-ness. How great is that?

The war against homosexuality in Uganda is fueled by the funds of American Christian missionary churches.

The real movement of history, it turns out, is fueled not by matter but by spirit, by the will to freedom.

The global boom in commodities fueled by a debt-financed infrastructure and real-estate bubble in China is over.

The lack of societal and institutional safeguards provides fertile ground for populist movements fueled by fear.

The partisan warfare fueled by modern technology does not fairly reflect the grace and dignity of the American people.

Going to Catholic school was what fueled me into comedy. The nuns were so brutal so I used to try to make my friends laugh.

Countries with lots of unmarried young men are the most vulnerable to sudden upheavals - this is what fueled the Arab Spring.

Exploring many different avenues, especially setting new challenges, has always fueled my passion for learning something new.

I can't actually pinpoint anything that made me want to be an actor - I just did. And then anything after that just fueled it.

Trump's rise to power, fueled by hatred and portending crisis, threatens to eviscerate our constitutional system of government.

Human development thus far has been fueled and guided by the feeling that things could be, and are probably going to be, better.

I grew up spending summer Saturdays at the local farmers' market, where my mom was a vendor. It fueled my passion for regional foods.

This anti-cop sentiment from this hateful ideology called Black Lives Matter has fueled this rage against the American police officer.

All the difficulties surrounding the making of 'Mars et Avril' actually fueled its creativity and contributed to its international success!

The American Revolution and Declaration of Independence, it has often been argued, were fueled by the most radical of all American political ideas.

I get most of my athleticism from my mom. I know my dad cringes every single time I say that, but my competitive nature was always fueled by my dad.

Culinary tradition is not always based on fact. Sometimes it's based on history, on habits that come out of a time when kitchens were fueled by charcoal.

Having a day job again I found really kind of fueled my fiction, because it became almost this forbidden thing where I had to sneak off and do it in private.

It's impossible for me to be successful at what I love most, which is acting and making people laugh, without making sure my body is fueled in the right way.

Myself, there's people saying, 'He'll never find himself in the halls of WWE.' It's a narrative that's fueled more by secondhand fan myth than what people feel.

Shredder is about as evil as it gets. He is a man fueled by jealousy and rage. At the same time, he doesn't micromanage, so his gang is free to do what they want.

It's inevitable that we'll have some form of designer children, fueled not just by the science but by parents' hard-wired desire to give their children every advantage.

Fighting in the ring or cage is very much different from fighting in the street. Fighting in the street is very much fueled by anger, pride, and male dominance and ego.

American presidential elections usually amount to a series of overcorrections: Clinton begat Bush, who produced Obama, whose lax border policies fueled the rise of Trump.

Spain is an example of how hard it is for a conservative party to campaign for elections if the suspicion is fueled that it wants to go into a coalition with the extreme right.

The only way people are going to change their car buying habits, and the only way government will get behind alternatively fueled vehicles, is if gasoline prices continue to go up.

Indeed, bull markets are fueled by successive waves of prior skeptics finally capitulating as their fears fade. Eventually, fear turns to euphoria, and that's the stuff of bubbles.

Internet companies created the social-media tools that fueled the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street insurgencies, and that have helped political candidates rally grass-roots support.

Everyone has read about or knows someone who has gone through fertility treatments. It is an emotional nightmare, fueled by false hope and the promise of a treatment that will work.

My journey from the blog to my books to the show has been fueled by a love of food and sharing it with others, and being able to pursue my passions as a career is a dream come true.

Many nights, I would begin the evening fueled by caffeine and nicotine, which I needed to propel me out of torpor and hopelessness - only to overshoot into quaking, quivering anxiety.

I've always fed off negativity and wanting people to hate me. That attitude really fueled me for my entire career. So being a guy that people like and want to cheer for is the weird part.

In the large cities that received new Americans, there flowered a golden age of restaurants, manned by the available talent from abroad and fueled by the restless wealth of the newly rich.

It's okay to take time for yourself. We give so much of ourselves to others and we need to be fueled both physically and mentally. If we are in balance, it helps us in all our interactions.

I don't know if I'm so much fueled by trying to one-up myself so much as passionate about coming up with new and greater challenges. I don't see it as a contest, but as a natural progression.

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