I was a functional addict.

I'm a fan of functional strength.

Who ever said that pleasure wasn't functional?

If you're functional, it doesn't matter if you're mad.

Rock bands are not exactly magnets of functional people.

The goal of physiological research is functional nature.

A united, functional opposition really could stop Brexit.

I don't know that anyone comes from a truly functional family.

I want to invest in a functional product that people are using.

I like decorative, functional things that I feel comfortable in.

If you don't love something, it's not functional, in my opinion.

Any person who says their family is perfectly functional is lying.

Chronological age is only an approximation of your functional age.

A functional media is as important to democratic freedom as voting.

Frank Lloyd Wright... his things were beautiful but not very functional.

As a kid I was very conscious of trying to be functional and not be too odd.

Spare functional furniture, in my opinion, is the genius of 20th-century design.

Grief is a bit of a journey, and it is evolving all the time but I am very functional.

I work out every day - and my daily routine is a mix of functional and strength training.

Daggers have such beautiful, functional shapes, and decorating them is an ancient tradition.

Biden's first day, and Psaki's first day, sent a message that functional government is back.

Besides controlling my diet, I did functional training, weights, pilates and cardio everyday.

I think that the climate within the band has changed, it's now in a more functional situation.

In a very dysfunctional business, CNN happens to be the most functional network I've worked at.

Our bodies are machines and have to be functional, and to do that they have to be fed properly.

My daughter is like a tether back to the functional world, and I'm aware of how helpful that is.

If something is functional, you no longer think about it. I care about how meaningful things are.

Actually, I try different kinds of exercise. I do functional training, Zumba, classical dance and walking.

To women, a flip-flopper is the functional equivalent of the guy who never calls and always changes his mind.

A really fun fan moment was when a fan gave me a copy of 'Legend' that he had turned into a functional clock!

In architecture and interiors, as well as fashion, there is an interaction that is both functional and aesthetic.

Reflecting back on my childhood, I know it wasn't functional. It was pretty, pretty dysfunctional, and whose isn't?

Yeah I got all sorts of guns. I got functional guns, I got guns for looks, I got hunting rifles, and everything in between.

My mother has a very chic sense of style, but she also has high expectations for her clothes to be functional and practical.

I do a lot of weight training, and my workouts are intense, which include cardios, core body workouts, and functional training.

The production and consumption of glucose, and hence, the blood sugar level, are controlled by a functional endocrine equilibrium.

We don't believe there is a functional conservative party in this country, and we certainly don't think the Republican Party is that.

As a young boy in Libya, it was hard to escape the conclusion that the women were the most feeling and most functional part of society.

I'm a pretty casual dresser. At home, it's probably whatever is functional to relax in, whether it's a pair of sweats or a pair of jeans.

There's very little admirable about being a pirate. There's very little functional about a pirate. There's very little real about a pirate.

I do the functional stuff. I go to the gym and do all these things by myself. I don't have a routine. I like to do new stuff all the times.

I feel like, with myself, I ruined myself to the point where I wasn't functional enough to work for anybody, even myself. I wasn't working.

The first duty of a human being is to assume the right functional relationship to society - more briefly, to find your real job, and do it.

If I were the president of the United States, I would make unions illegal. They no longer serve a functional purpose in democracy, in my view.

'GLOW' was the first time that, from head to toe, I was asked to use my body in a functional, powerful way as an actor - and that felt amazing.

Professional kitchens are studied to cook for countless people. At home, design often wins over functionality. A restaurant must be functional.

We are very proud of our design for the Transbay Transit Center. This will be a beautiful, functional and sustainable building for San Francisco.

Design must be functional, and functionality must be translated into visual aesthetics without any reliance on gimmicks that have to be explained.

Christian conservatives care about their families eating. They're concerned about energy independence. They're concerned about functional government.

With small spaces in particular you have to really follow the rule that if it's not absolutely beautiful or absolutely functional, then get rid of it.

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