I'm a futures man.

All imaginable futures are not equally possible.

I think dystopian futures are also a reflection of current fears.

The options and futures traded on exchanges are derivatives contracts.

I want to keep different options for different futures open all the time.

Teaching money management is a practical tool that will help shape kids' futures.

People care about their financial futures, and politics is very much a part of that.

They were using the dolls to project their dreams of their own futures as adult women.

Some hedge fund managers have made big bucks trading oil futures - George Soros is one.

Don't turn away from possible futures before you're certain you don't have anything to learn from them.

Futures thinking is hard work. Fortunately, you do get better at it with practice. It's worth the effort.

It might be the history major in me, but I look to the past when I try to construct my fictional futures.

Science fiction encourages us to explore... all the futures, good and bad, that the human mind can envision.

We will work constructively with China as we always have. Our futures are very much intertwined in the region.

We should entrust our young people with a voice to express their views on what their futures should look like.

People have to have a language to speak about where they are and what other possible futures are available to them.

A futures contract is a derivative, but the futures exchange doesn't call them 'derivatives,' they call them 'futures.'

There are two futures, the future of desire and the future of fate, and man's reason has never learned to separate them.

We all have to stand up and fight alongside American women to make sure that they have the freedom to control their own futures.

If we really care about impacting countries around the world and their economic futures, then what we need to do is empower women.

We are both disturbed and fascinated by visions of bleak futures, predictions of what might come if we as a society aren't careful.

ncrementalism is out, and doing deals with people just for power, when our children's futures at stake is not something I will ever do.

I am a bit of a 'dreamer,' so I love fantasizing about utopian futures, and I also love the way you can explore big concepts in sci fi.

I suspect that young adults crave stories of broken futures because they themselves are uneasily aware that their world is falling apart.

Programs like ACE's Bootstrap Summer Camp teach our kids important computer coding skills that will allow them to design their own futures.

When I was a kid, there were really only two possible futures in the foreground, which were Orwell's '1984' and Huxley's 'Brave New World'.

Remember, the goal of structured futures thinking is to come up with a picture of possible futures that will help to inform strategic decisions.

Surrounding yourself with people who are actively and enthusiastically working toward their best futures will keep you moving toward your own goals.

I've been accused countless times of writing gloomy futures. But to me, the texture of my sci-fi just feels like an extrapolation of current trends.

China wants to take our economic place in the world and, in doing so, will devastate our economy at the expense of our future and our families' futures.

I wanted to rock back and forth between myth and distant futures, yesterday, today, and tomorrow. It felt a bit like prophecy and a bit like storytelling.

What SF can do better than anything else is show us the range of our possible futures, and what we can do to realize the good ones and avoid the nasty ones.

Our job is not to predict the future. Rather, it's to suggest all the possible futures - so that society can make informed decisions about where we want to go.

Neophyte writers tend to believe that there is something magical about ideas and that if they can just get a hold of a good one, then their futures are ensured.

Trusting people to pursue their own futures invariably provides better outcomes. Money goes where it is needed, rather than being absorbed by administration costs.

This healthy eating stuff, it's here to stay, and we now have everything we need to seize the opportunity and give all our kids the healthy futures they so richly deserve.

The proper care and rearing of a child is integral to their development. It breaks my heart to know that some children's futures are being destroyed within their own homes.

Forecasting our futures is built into our psyches because we will soon have to manage that future. We have no choice. No matter how often we fail, we can never stop trying.

Post-modernism has cut off the present from all futures. The daily media add to this by cutting off the past. Which means that critical opinion is often orphaned in the present.

In a sense, if you're not getting it wrong really a lot when you're creating imaginary futures, then you're just not doing it enough. You're not creating enough imaginary futures.

Through all the relationship stuff I've gone through in the past few years, I know there are fundamental differences in how men and women view sex and how they view their futures.

Weston Bakeries is proud to support local children's charities across Canada. We believe the more we invest in our kids' futures today, the better our communities will be tomorrow.

Life can be lived at a remove. You trade in futures, and then you trade in derivatives of futures. Banks make more money trading derivatives than they do trading actual commodities.

I mean, the nation in which we live - and the world in which we live - is so extraordinarily more like a future than the futures that we're being sold on the screen and on television.

For in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's futures. And we are all mortal.

Teenagers blithely skip off to uncertain futures, while their parents sit weeping curbside in the Volvo, because the adolescent brain isn't yet formed enough to recognize and evaluate risk.

We Americans typically are more positive about our individual futures, which we have some control over, than we are the nation's or the world's, which we see largely through the media prism.

The Cannes Film Festival is the biggest, most prestigious film festival in the world. This is where filmmakers are discovered, where futures are made, and the most important films premiered.

Medical attention and emotional support can be difficult to obtain for those in need, yet both are essential to nurturing healthy futures year round and especially during the holiday season.

Obama seems to inspire a bizarre personal loyalty among his advocates, particularly among young people who should by all rights be concerned with their fading futures and collapsing prospects.

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