Never become so much of an expert that you stop gaining expertise. ...

Never become so much of an expert that you stop gaining expertise. View life as a continuous learning experience.

Don't look back. Something might be gaining on you.

I'm gaining weight the right way: I'm drinking beer.

You're gaining more than you're losing in a small town.

As long as I can stay north or south, I'm gaining yards.

If I don't work out, I lose weight instead of gaining it.

Don't look back, because someone might be gaining on you.

I ended up gaining a bunch of weight on a vegetarian diet.

I definitely wouldn't mind gaining a few more pounds at all.

It is all about gaining in confidence with every given opportunity.

I like to be lean and flexible. I'm not interested in gaining size.

Part of being young is you think gaining 6 lbs. is the end of the world.

The values we developed were instrumental in gaining a competitive advantage.

If I could eat without gaining weight or getting unhealthy, I would eat all the time.

Being with Dortmund and playing in more big games there, it's just gaining experience.

For me, Hello' was more of getting my confidence back and gaining the audience's trust.

In my human-rights work, perhaps the most important thing is gaining the trust of the victims.

Food is the essential thing to gaining weight. Protein, you know, that's basically it - protein.

When you don't come from struggle, gaining appreciation is a quality that's difficult to come by.

It's about gaining that confidence back in myself. Believing in myself more than others may believe.

Sitting on that couch eating and gaining 20 pounds isn't exactly fun - there's only so much you can do.

The movement towards radical transparency and accountability has been gaining steam for several decades.

But the thing is, I was never looking at a strategic way of gaining fame. That's not why I'm doing this.

For the gay establishment, the death of right and wrong began when gaining civil rights ceased to be enough.

I really believe that green tea is the key for all of us women who are gaining some weight around your middle.

I like the thought of gaining revenge over WBC light-heavyweight champion Adonis Stevenson, who beat me in 2013.

Open political and economic systems have been gaining ground and there's a good reason for it. They work better.

The Obama presidency has two great missions: fixing the economy, and preventing Iran from gaining nuclear weapons.

I can eat anything. After practice I can stop at McDonald's. I don't have a problem with gaining weight, thank God.

If you eliminate the junk food, you don't really run the risk of gaining weight if you've got a good workout routine.

People tend to judge a book by its cover. I love being unexpected and gaining respect for who I am and not how I look.

This whole cloud phenomenon is gaining steam pretty rapidly, and it's really become a strategic imperative for people.

I think a lot of people think because I was getting the divorce, that was really the catalyst for gaining so much weight.

People are afraid of changing; that they're losing something. They don't understand that they are also gaining something.

I think it is vital to fight to do something you want to do despite not gaining your community's or your friends' approval.

A business of high principle attracts high-caliber people more easily, thereby gaining a basic competitive and profit edge.

Not all is doom and gloom. We are beginning to understand the natural world and are gaining a reverence for life - all life.

I try to avoid gaining weight as much as possible because it hinders my performance onstage. Touring demands so much energy.

I think the moment you get comfortable is the moment that people start gaining on you and start taking that position from you.

With homosexual marriage gaining converts among the young, the party of the Moral Majority declines to stand with Chick-fil-A.

I look at being older and gaining wisdom. I've learned to stay fit and healthy. I accept my body, my life, and my circumstances.

Unfortunately, in the race to the most douchebaggery, Silicon Valley is fast in gaining on Hollywood. That race is neck and neck.

By interacting with NATO vessels on E.U. anti-piracy duty, the Chinese are gaining valuable insights in to Western naval doctrine.

Constant rotation, based on a 19th century Army model, prevents spouses from putting down roots and gaining meaningful deployment.

Whoever boards a boat and tries to enter Europe illegally has ruined his chances of gaining asylum in Europe and will be sent back.

It feels great to know that more people are finding work and gaining the experience, not to mention self-confidence, that they need.

'Freedom' is my big buzzword in life. It's just my favorite word. And I think so many of my choices have been about gaining freedom.

There's really no precedent for someone like me gaining clout in the space that I'm in - a black woman directing films in Hollywood.

I believe the green movement is gaining momentum because people are becoming more educated about the real importance of living green.

When a market isn't in transition, gaining market share is hard - you're fighting to take one or two points of share from competitors.

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