I'm not a gangster, bro.

I'm the gorgeous gangster.

Gangster films are exciting.

I'm not a gangster. I'm a musician.

I like gangster movies, personally.

I'm the number-one fan of gangster movies.

I've got songs that'll make a gangster cry.

The classy gangster is a Hollywood invention.

I know nothing of what it is to be a gangster.

I've always loved the genre of gangster films.

Every human being has a bit of gangster in him.

I have always been against the gangster as hero.

I'm an emotional gangster. I cry once every month.

I'm a gangster, and gangsters don't ask questions.

I love country music, but I also love gangster rap.

The laws of the lowly gangster govern Qaddafi and his sons.

Jacare is a gangster. He's been in the game for a long time.

As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster.

Among the many things 'Boardwalk Empire' is, is a gangster show.

Hip-hop is not about crime. Hip-hop is not about being a gangster.

When you're 16, the top of the world is directing a gangster movie.

I found 'Celebrity Gangster' intense, dramatic, a real page turner.

When I say I'm going gangster, I'm working really hard at something.

I'm a dirty south goon - damn right, I ain't no West coast gangster.

Any distraction tends to get in the way of being an effective gangster.

I am an undisputed gangster. To me, that means playing by my own rules.

The Italian gangster thing has become a form of the modern-day Western.

I was always interested in the 1920s and the gangster world, in general.

People love stories about the mafia: 'The Godfather,' 'American Gangster.'

You don't have to be a gangster rapper to be successful. You can do anything.

I'm trying to bring gangster rap back to the forefront, like in the early '90s.

Hip-hop was a big part of my life growing up, especially West Coast gangster rap.

Playing the game, and unfortunately, playing the gangster game is very profitable.

Giving a record company an album is like giving a gangster your baby or something.

I think American audiences like gangster movies. You know, it's part of the culture.

Accosting somebody in public can be regrettable. Accosting a gangster can be hazardous.

'The Godfather' is the talismanic giant that hangs over everything in the gangster genre.

I don't think there's much a person could say about me. My gangster's never been on trial.

Attitude is attitude, whether you're a West Coast gangster or East Coast gangster, you know?

I look at old performance videos now, and it's really funny - I thought I was such a gangster!

I originally got my name after a gun because the way I rap; a gangster gave me the name in 1988.

My core thing is gangster rap, but a lot of my music is melodic and carries a message of survival.

For 'Rangbaaz,' I had put on weight to play the gangster and for '83,' I had to lose all that weight.

There are many people who think I'm actually a gangster or a mafioso, largely because of 'Goodfella.'

I have consciously not taken the role of a gangster, which has been offered to me far too many times.

My dad wasn't a gangster, and he wasn't a criminal, but he sure liked to rub padded shoulders with them.

I have been a part of four different genres - a political satire, gangster drama, thriller and period drama.

Where is Conor? He wanna fight with a bus. I want to fight with a real gangster. Iaquinta, thank you so much.

I think a lot of rappers limit themselves by doing the gangster movies and that's stereotypical for a rapper.

We want 'McMafia' to be a tense gangster story but also a family story. It's a collusion of those two worlds.

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