I'm optimistic that we are actually seeing the opportunity of a ...

I'm optimistic that we are actually seeing the opportunity of a generation being created in this.

You are all a lost generation.

Believe it, future generations.

Lust is the cause of generation.

I'm a first-generation Canadian.

We all grow on somebody's grave.

I'm a third generation superstar.

No generation can escape history.

I come from generations of farmers.

Every generation needs regeneration

My generation is under-entertained.

Gluten is this Generation's Tobacco

Every generation wants to be the last.

What we need is a generation of peace.

To save a girl is to save generations!

The beat generation (coined in Playboy)

I come from a long line of generations!

I'm excited about our rising generation.

He plants to benefit another generation.

Whole generations have forgotten history.

It takes a society to raise a generation.

Three generations of imbeciles are enough.

When you save a girl, you save generations

A generation of children has been betrayed.

Passion has been in my DNA for generations.

I'm in my 10th generation of TV critic now.

A chaste generation would restore Paradise.

My story has been the story of my generation.

Each generation has to reinvent spirituality.

We have multi-generations coming to our show.

Generation Z, they cleaned up their own mess.

Music has been in our family for generations.

Every generation tailors history to its taste.

We may be the generation that sees Armageddon.

Every generation must re-win its own freedoms.

We don't need to be feminist in my generation.

He doesn't translate well into our generation.

Future generation is the most important thing.

It is time for a new generation of leadership.

What have future generations ever done for us?

Every generation has to find their own heroes.

I come from a different generation from my Dad.

This generation can only reach this generation.

Every generation thinks that they invented sex.

This is a very fickle and faithless generation.

Love is the weapon for this wounded generation.

I was the female Marlon Brando of my generation.

It was an idealistic vision that generation had.

You know, I'm part of that first MTV generation.

I look at Lil Wayne as being from my generation.

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