Jesus was a cross-dresser.

Genuine effort is success.

Be genuine. Just be yourself.

I do want love. Genuine love.

Influence is about being genuine.

I am genuine, fun and passionate.

I want to be a genuine allrounder.

People want to see you be genuine.

Genuine happiness is hard to miss.

Donald Trump is a genuine outsider.

Despair is the only genuine atheism.

Folly ends where genuine hope begins.

Tact, if it be genuine, never sleeps.

I want to see genuine talent rewarded.

Delicacy is the genuine tint of virtue.

All emotion is involuntary when genuine.

The genuine essence of truth never dies.

I nodded with genuine synthetic sympathy.

Humility is the mark of a genuine disciple.

Any genuine work of art generates new work.

Make your links from blog comments genuine.

All genuine learning is active, not passive.

Casting plus size girls needs to be genuine.

All bad poetry springs from genuine feeling.

People can smell when things aren't genuine.

I hope people get genuine joy from our music.

Kids can tell if you're being genuine or not.

I'm genuine and people can believe what I say.

Jaipur is a city with a lot of genuine people.

I always try to write from a genuine standpoint.

Most stuff that is genuine is better left unsaid.

I take criticism very positively if it's genuine.

I try to be as genuine and authentic as possible.

Drake genuine. I feel like he's a genuine person.

The people in Indiana are so kind and so genuine.

Yes, I'm known as America's most genuine comedian.

Old is authentic. Old is genuine. Old is valuable.

A good disposition is invincible, if it be genuine.

I mean, the genuine roots of culture is folk music.

Be genuine. Be remarkable. Be worth connecting with.

Let your words be the genuine picture of your heart.

Lack of wealth cannot take away genuine contentment.

Mutual respect is the foundation of genuine harmony.

The greater your cares, the more genuine your prayers

Illusory joy is often worth more than genuine sorrow.

All genuine knowledge originates in direct experience.

I am deeply romantic and a genuine yet complex person.

My concern is how we learn to be genuine human beings.

Wisdom is never dear, provided the article be genuine.

Genuine kindness is not what we do, it is what we are.

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