I want every girl, every child, to be educated.

You can't be creative and still be a good girl.

All you need to make a film is a girl and a gun

I’m an ordinary girl who believed in her dream.

I am treated no different than the other girls.

I am not the kind of girl that gets in trouble.

Superglue after duct tape a girl's best friend.

Girl trouble, for me, is when you fall in love.

I'm pretty, but I'm not, like, a 'pretty girl.'

Girls can fake orgasms, but boys can fake love.

Would I like to be the lead girl? Who wouldn't?

Is it okay to roofie a girl just to shut her up?

A girl can never have too many lipstick options!

I'm proud of myself. I'm a relieved, happy girl.

It is useless to talk virtue to a starving girl.

I'm a fountain of blood. In the shape of a girl.

British girls are as temperamental as Americans.

I don't think silicone makes a girl good or bad.

She bestowed the blessing of a wild girl's lips.

Every girl is capable of murder if you hurt her.

You need to act your age and not your girl's age

I was a loner; I was never the crazy party girl.

All little girls should be told they are pretty.

You change your mind Like a girl changes clothes

I knew I would never be cast as the pretty girl.

Okay I'll be honest girl I can't lie I miss you.

I believe in love - yes, I'm one of those girls.

I'm the comedic girl next door and a lot of fun.

A country girl can talk her way out of a ticket.

The girl with a future avoids a man with a past.

I want my girls to be strong and self-sufficient.

I would only date a 15 year old high school girl.

A girl's affections should never be won unsought.

I will never hurt a girl, I respect them too much

If I was a girl I'd still swing both ways anyway.

And you know, I believed him. What girl wouldn't?

L.A. is so fake - girls there are so superficial.

Men seldom make passes at girls who wear glasses.

The girl has a funny way of romanticizing things.

I’m a big lipstick girl- I’m old school that way.

For a long time, I had a crazy girl dating habit.

I've often been the guy who doesn't get the girl.

Don't all the girls get prettier at closing time?

I'm still always a country girl from New Zealand.

Black Girls rock because we have no other choice.

I was kind of an invisible girl when I was young.

Diamonds aren't a girl's best friend. Freedom is.

Are any of yall into girls like I am les-bi-anest

A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.

For the girls with messy hair and thirsty hearts.

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