Pull up your big girl panties and just do it.

I have to warn you: I bet horses like a girl.

I don't feel like I have to be the nice girl.

Give them your brains, girl, never your guts.

I'm more of a jeans and T-shirt kind of girl.

It takes a good habit to replace a bad habit.

Never call a girl fat, even if you're joking.

You can have a lot of fun playing a bad girl.

I'm trying to make it cool to be a good girl.

Tears aren't a girl's weapon. It's her smile.

She's a nice girl, but her bad girl's better.

I don't like to look sloppy. I'm a girly-girl.

You're strictly a tulip girl—a red tulip girl.

Hey, I'm a girl, and we like to play dress-up.

I love an art-school girl. I mean dont we all?

When it comes to girl bands, we're all rivals.

I like young girls. Their stories are shorter.

All a woman actually wants is to feel special.

Let's face it, most pretty girls aren't funny.

I dated the same girl all through high school.

I've always been a girl who loves to dress up.

We must tell girls their voices are important.

Don't call a girl obsessed when she's in love.

Never trust a pretty girl with an ugly secret.

It's cool to know that I can make girls faint.

Emilie. A beautiful name for a beautiful girl.

I wan’t a girl who is fun and loves adventure.

I'll cover you in flowers someday, Julie-girl.

I'm a meat girl and I just love having a beer.

Of course she is a fool, but so are all girls.

Ilene Weiss and I went to Girls High together.

Some girls have crazy eyes. You can spot that!

I was raised by my father; I was daddy's girl.

Power is not given to you. You have to take it.

My fall began, as many stories do, with a girl.

The good guy only gets the girl in a soppy way.

Im married, so I tend not to hit on every girl.

A practical girl never pines; she takes action.

These girls... they're going to kill me, Harry.

We are wise, wise women. We are giggling girls.

Dear girl! Life is addictive. Yet we must live.

I've always been a girl with a massive opinion.

A girl should command attention, not suffer it.

Kate Middleton's a pretty girl who sounds nice.

All really interesting girls invent themselves.

Dad, girls don't fall down every time they run.

Material girls like Madonna Model for Donatella

Little girls, like butterflies, need no excuse.

I love my dad; I'm a daddy's girl, all the way.

I encourage girls to play sports and play hard.

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