Globalization is a fact of economic life

Globalization can be a great opportunity.

Trade and globalization are here to stay.

Globalization is a fact of economic life.

Globalization is the next big artworld idea

Desperation is the result of globalization.

The only thing worth globalizing is dissent.

Globalization is very destructive to our species.

We Have Got To Bring Corporate America To Its Knees

Greed and globalization aren't just America's fault.

Consumption has massively benefited from globalization.

I think globalization has been really good for America.

Globalization can be shaped to ensure that people matter.

Diversification and globalization are the keys to the future.

Improved productivity is another direct benefit of globalization.

Globalization is the process by which markets integrate worldwide.

Globalization requires taking a broad contextual and long-term view.

I think we will become disenchanted with the glamour of globalization.

The Internet is the most effective instrument we have for globalization.

The privileged elites are part of the globalization moment that we live in.

Withdrawing support from globalization is taking us in the wrong direction.

What is happening with automation and globalization, that's not going away.

Wild globalization has benefited some, but it's been a catastrophe for most.

We need a memorial day to commemorate the victims of neoliberal globalization.

Ironically, xenophobic nationalists are utilizing the benefits of globalization.

Imperialism or globalization - I don't have to care what it's called to hate it.

Globalization is a great thing, but it needs a legal framework in which to blossom.

Globalization is simply opening the free marketplace to encompass the entire world.

Contagion has become very much a phenomenon, and it's a phenomenon of globalization.

Globalizing a bad thing makes it worse. But globalizing a good thing is usually good.

We have benefited greatly from the globalization of the economy in the last 30 years.

In a world of scarce resources, globalization without new technology is unsustainable.

Globalization in the aggregate generates wealth, no question. But it gets concentrated.

We must take care that globalization does not become something people become afraid of.

We must create a kind of globalization that works for everyone... and not just for a few.

China, with its large emerging middle class, is among the big beneficiaries of globalization.

Russia should support globalization. The Internet can develop in Russia in a very speedy way.

Globalization is exposing new fault lines - between urban and rural communities, for example.

Globalization was a deep trend pushed by technology and right ideas, as much as anything else.

The American multinational companies made millions and millions of dollars from globalization.

Globalization means using slaves to manufacture products that are then sold to the unemployed!

With the globalization, it's difficult for governments to impose decisions on private companies.

Education, particularly higher education, will take Africa into the mainstream of globalization.

It has been said that arguing against globalization is like arguing against the laws of gravity.

Education, particularly higher education, will take Africa into the mainstream of globalization.

Globalization and free trade do spur economic growth, and they lead to lower prices on many goods.

We had much freer trade in the 19th century. We have much less globalization now than we did then.

We also have a cultural phenomenon: the emergence of a global culture, or of cultural globalization

Globalization means that business strategy and business ethics cannot be separated from each other.

Reliable data on the outsourcing of American jobs is sorely missing from the debate on globalization.

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