To get rich is glorious.

Life is a glorious opportunity.

My life is a glorious adventure.

New Orleans is a glorious mutation

Visva-Bharati has a glorious legacy.

Truly it is glorious, our being here.

Hey ! Ain t it glorious to be living?

I don't have cable, and it's glorious.

There cannot be too many glorious women.

Guilt is glorious when it's well earned.

Glorious the song, when God's the theme.

Milan are the most glorious Italian club.

It is a glorious thing To be a Pirate King.

Most things remain undone. Glorious future!

There stands the shadow of a glorious name.

It is your differences that make you glorious.

I think writing is a glorious and noble thing.

Though life is very glorious, it is difficult.

I cling to my memories of glorious desperation.

Put forth thy hand, reach at the glorious gold.

Sweet and glorious it is to die for our country.

No man ever was glorious, who was not laborious.

I had a glorious father, I had no father at all.

Christmas is the glorious time of great Too-Much.

To die, to be really dead, that must be glorious.

Eternity is a glorious word, but eternity is ice.

Poverty is not socialism. To be rich is glorious.

My life is a glorious tornado of musical projects!

Hidden in the glorious wildness like unmined gold.

Pride is a tricky, glorious, double-edged feeling.

It is, it is a glorious thing To be a Pirate King.

A glorious death is his, who for his country falls.

Admiration involves a glorious obliquity of vision.

Commitment to one other person in life is glorious.

To be doing good deeds is man's most glorious task.

There's nothing glorious in dying. Anyone can do it.

The gospel is simply glorious and gloriously simple.

More glorious to merit a sceptre than to possess one.

Glorious as it had been, the city-state was obsolete.

May we Americans all live up to our glorious heritage.

Human beings are glorious and preposterous characters.

Your deepest pain will be your most Glorious Blessing.

It's always the darkest just before the glorious dawn.

We share one heart, one home, and one glorious destiny.

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.

The glorious gifts of the gods are not to be cast aside.

The meanest life is better than the most glorious death.

She was the most painful, most glorious dance of his life

I think art is more glorious than life but not more real.

I've had two pedicures in my life, and they were glorious.

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