Don't gain the world and lose your soul; wisdom is better than silver ...

Don't gain the world and lose your soul; wisdom is better than silver or gold.

I loved 'Solid Gold!'

Gold is lucky for me.

Love is the only gold.

Nothing gold can stay.

Real gold fears no fire.

The proof of gold is fire.

I'm punk, but I love gold.

Gold to airy thinness beat.

I really am not a gold fan.

My mom wears a lot of gold.

I'm chasing that gold medal.

The real yellow peril: Gold.

The law itself follows gold.

A good heart 'is worth gold.

Gold is the corpse of value.

Gold will be slave or master.

The accursed hunger for gold.

Nature's first green is gold.

Gold makes the ugly beautiful.

Labour is priceless, not gold.

Stay gold, Ponyboy, stay gold.

All that glisters is not gold.

All that glitters is not gold.

Thinkers are as scarce as gold.

Are you under the power of gold?

Everything I touch turns to gold.

Avarice is fear sheathed in gold.

Gold is a deep-persuading orator.

Sleep is getting to be like gold.

You can turn your goals into gold.

If gold ruste, what shall iren do?

A pig painted gold is still a pig.

All my life, I've dreamed in gold.

All that glitters is sold as gold.

Bengalureans have a heart of gold.

The ultimate asset bubble is gold.

He buries gold who hides the truth.

I am a hooker with a heart of gold.

Knowledge is of more value than gold

Gold were as good as twenty orators.

Speech is silver, silence is golden.

He who has the gold makes the rules.

Gold--the picklock that never fails.

You'd rather own gold; not the miner

In Sochi, I felt like I lost a gold.

To shipbrokers, coal was black gold.

I want to win a gold medal in London.

Wisdom is better than silver and gold

If gold rusts, what then can iron do?

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