I'm a horrible golfer.

I'm a golfer - not an athlete.

I'm a golfer not a history major.

I am the toughest golfer mentally.

I've got a lot of favorite golfers.

Yeah, after each of my downhill putts.

The best exercise for golfers is golfing.

Im a golfer and have had three holes in one.

No golfer can ever become too good to practice.

Golfers are the greatest worriers in the world of sport.

I'm probably the only bottom-heavy golfer in the country.

I think the image of golfers is terrific, and rightly so.

Ben Hogan is the most merciless of all the modern golfers.

Do women golfers say they could go out and beat Tiger Woods?

We tournament golfers are much overrated. We get paid to much.

The only shots you can be sure of are those you've had already.

Never give a golfer an ultimatum unless you're prepared to lose.

All I've got against golf is it takes you so far from the clubhouse.

The mediocre golfer generally is one who is too lazy to play better.

The test of a great golfer is his ability to recover from a bad start.

If I wasn't a golfer, I would still be miserable - but not as miserable.

I've always wanted to be a professional golfer and I'm glad that came true.

I'd definitely like to be one of the best golfers in the world, of all time.

Retire to what? I'm a golfer and a fisherman. I've got no place to retire to.

I gravitate toward the team thing. I'm not a golfer - I much prefer basketball.

Most players are like golfers. You don't want them swinging while they're thinking.

No golfer has completed his education until he has played and studied Royal Dornoch.

The top golfers in the world are like Formula One cars when it comes to their swings.

Golfers are forever working on mechanics. My tennis swing hasn't changed in 10 years.

A friend of mine, a dedicated golfer, shot a hole in one playing by himself. Disaster.

Ive always said that if I could do anything in the world, I would be a professional golfer.

A golfer rarely needs to hit a spectacular shot until the one that preceded it was pretty bad.

If golfers know they look good, they will play better. I think that is valid for men and women.

For amateur golfers, I think one of the biggest mistakes is to model their play on professionals.

I've always wanted to be a professional golfer. So what if you always wanted to be an entrepreneur?

As a golfer, you feel like you're perpetually on the rack [in foursomes]. Mentally, it's very difficult.

The biggest thing is just routine. I think that's the biggest correlation between golfers and basketball players.

If we could have just screwed another head on his shoulders, he would have been the greatest golfer who ever lived.

While I am flattered about the speculation of being enticed out of retirement, I'm happy with life as a bad golfer!

Our view is that the very best data miners or statisticians can earn as much as the very best golfers or tennis players.

There's mediocre jazz, mediocre salesmen, mediocre golfers. If you want to be good, you have to really hone your skills.

Among golfers the putter is usually known as the payoff club and how right that is! Putting is in fact a game in itself.

Jones is the greatest golfer who ever lived and probably ever will live. That's my goal. Bobby Jones. It's the only goal.

Golfers don't scream. Golfers just adjust the pleats in their pants and go from there. That's about as antagonistic as we get.

There's one guy who inspired a nation of golfers, and that's Greg Norman. He's been incredible to me and all the great golfers.

Golfers have a tendency to be very masochistic. They like to punish themselves for some reason. A lot of them like tough courses.

I've said before that the Ryder Cup is not the European Tour versus the American Tour. It's Europe's best golfers against the US.

One of the great things about a celebrity pro-am is that you get to play along with the very best professional golfers in the world.

The main reason I went on Twitter was to look at golfers like Lee Westwood, Ian Poulter and Rory McIlroy and see what they are up to.

The president I came to know best was George Herbert Walker Bush. No. 41 in your program, No. 1 on your list of fast-playing golfers.

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