The essence to me of all good drama is argument.

I got rejected from all the good drama schools first time.

I wasn't interested in novelty. I was looking for good drama.

I always found that drama, really good drama, has a lot of comedy in it.

'Shameless' is going to shake up television. Any drama is good drama. Bring it.

Good drama, challenging drama - and comedy for that matter - has a place in the daytime schedule.

Michigan is two radically different places - the North and the South which makes for good drama and contrast.

We don't necessarily hear about the fantastic things social services do, because it doesn't make very good drama.

The idea that the family is this locus of support but can also hold you back and keep you down makes for good drama.

I think 'Breaking Bad' is brilliant. Good drama in the U.S. is also so funny and blurs the line between light and dark.

There are plenty of good drama schools and academies helping children and young people to learn to sing, dance, and act.

I never like to talk about my own politics, but whether you're left, right or center, the 2008 race was definitely good drama.

A good drama critic is one who perceives what is happening in the theatre of his time. A great drama critic also perceives what is not happening.

Secrets make for good drama, and revealing the hidden truths and contradictions of life is, for me, one of the most exciting aspects of making movies.

It's hard enough to write a good drama, it's much harder to write a good comedy, and it's hardest of all to write a drama with comedy. Which is what life is.

I think all good drama is funny. All the best drama is ultimately very funny. Life is funny. You can't have any honest treatise on life without bumping into some humor.

'Heirs' is really a good drama. Everyone put out their heart and soul into this series, from the actors to the whole staff. That's why I think we won awards for this drama.

I think sports makes for good drama because it has all the same ingredients as anything worth reading or listening to or watching. Conflict, desire, heartbreak - it's all there.

I started really young, like 12 or 13, and then I started doing school plays. We had a really good drama department, so the kind of drama-geek stigma wasn't really there in my high school.

I think really good drama comes down to real human emotion. That's what makes us all tick, and that's what I've always been drawn to when it comes to scripts is real human emotion and dealing with that.

If people get inspired by 'Baahubali' as a film, and they realize they can make a big film or a historical film which has good drama and good visuals, if they realize there are good stories to tell here, then it is good.

If you pick up an eighteenth-century play, at the top it says 'The Argument,' and then you have a list of characters, and then you have the play. I was just always struck by that - that, of course, good drama is about conflict.

There are lots of people in the world who do have the advantage of going to a good drama school and just decide that they want to be actors. There's nothing wrong with an untrained actor; they have to get their training somehow, they have to learn.

The Middle East is a very difficult stage to play upon. Without doubt, it is a good drama. And on occasion, there are situations so unimaginable, if not ludicrous, as to make them almost comic. But the cast is constantly changing, the audience is often disengaged, and it seems at times that no one is actually running the show.

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