Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere.

Only good girls keep diaries. Bad girls don't have time.

It's the good girls who keep diaries; the bad girls never have the time.

I think the reason they cast me as the good girls is because they couldn't find any in Hollywood.

At its heart, 'Mostly Good Girls' is about the pressures we put on ourselves to live up to ideas of perfection.

In high school I definitely had a clique of friends. And what I loved about it was that we were healthy and good girls.

It's an interesting time that way. It's hard to meet good girls down here. It seems like they're all after something and interested in their own lives.

I wonder why it is, that young men are always cautioned against bad girls. Anyone can handle a bad girl. It's the good girls men should be warned against.

Here is how you meet women: You tell the girls you are friends with - the ones in relationships - that you want a girlfriend. You shouldn't even have to say 'Set me up' or 'Introduce me!' If they're good girls, they'll get the hint.

I think I'm trouble-adjacent. I remember hearing once that good girls don't get caught. I think that's sort of a lot of what my teen years were like. I skirted the stuff that other kids were doing because the idea of actually getting in trouble was not appealing to me, but I still wanted to have adventures.

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