Not every day is a good day for me.

Give me good writing, and I'll play it all day.

I coined a word the other day, but I forgot what it was. It was a good one, it came to me in a dream.

The fulfillment I get from a good day of writing is addictive and will always bring me back the next day.

I'm just kind of more, like, I'm gonna take every day as it comes and that's gonna be good enough for me.

I hate to think of the day when nobody remembers me as an actor and I can't get good tables in restaurants.

I must admit, strong films are more interesting to me, as, by the end of the day's shooting, you feel good.

I had the benefit of watching good people show me what it really is to be an actor - the day in and day out of it.

I write every day... I never get ideas unless I'm actually writing. Ideas I get in the shower don't do me any good.

If he's having a good day and running the right race, nobody can beat Frank Shorter at 10,000 meters... nobody except me.

I finish, like, one book in a day. That's my problem. That's why Kindle is good for me, because I put, like, 15 books in it.

Catch me on a good day, I think half of my books aren't too bad. Catch me on a bad day, I think I've never written a good line.

To this day, if you gave me $1,000, I really can't stand up - You can tell a joke. You're a good storyteller and a good joke teller.

For me, a director is a director immaterial of the gender. At the end of the day, the audience is only interested in watching a good film.

I get so many scripts a day but none of them inspires me. If I get a good inspiring script, then I will be most happy to make it into a film.

Drinking made me a lot more free sexually; the restrictions were off. I was a compulsive, compliant 'good girl' by day and a 'bad girl' at night.

When you have a lot of followers, you get the good and bad. So I had a career out of it. But unfortunately, I had people hating on me every single day.

I got good notice from that show, and on the last day of filming Townies, Twentieth Century Fox called wanting to meet with me about a development deal.

A good day to me is writing from 6 A.M. 'til noon with a break to take my daughter to school. After lunch, if I still feel the momentum, I'll hit it again.

Some days I'm lucky to squeeze out a page of copy that pleases me, but I get as many as six or seven pages on a very good day; the average is probably three pages.

Elvis and I were very good friends. We were such good friends that, on the day that he passed, I was the first one his father called, to let me know what had happened.

One thing which no one knows about me is I could be very good director. Although I have not directed any movie so far but I am sure the day I start it, I would be very good at it.

Someone asked me about how it feels to wear the same costume every day and whether it gets tired or boring, but the good thing about it is that you know what to expect, every day.

Every day I fantasise about situations and little themes I see in front of me that would make a good beginning of a story. But one has to be disciplined and just sit down and do it.

That was how I felt at non-league. I never looked at it then and said, 'I want to be a Premier League manager one day'. I just wanted to do a good job and see where it could take me.

Only few people have same level as Iron Sheik - the Brock Lesnar and the Kurt Angle. Back in the day, they both be good opponent for me. They know I could break their ankle if I want.

I'm trying to be a good parent and set a good example. When I'm on the road, they don't see a lot of me. I see them every other day. It's pretty all-encompassing when I'm on the road.

I suppose being fierce is a very good thing, and a very cool thing. But more than fierce, I think I'm a strong person and a strong individual. And that's what I take with me every day.

A good restaurant just makes me giddy. I can go all day with anticipation just knowing where I'm going to eat. Sometimes it's well planned, sometimes it's spontaneous. Either way works.

I loved school, I loved putting on my uniform and doing homework every day. I was one of those good students that the teachers liked. I guess that's got to be a pretty nerdy, geeky part of me.

I always map out how to get a good eight or nine hours of sleep before I even start my day. And my rule is to put my phone on silent when I go to bed; that way, no texts or emails can disturb me.

I just want people to remember me like I remember Buster Keaton. When they talk about Buster Keaton or Gene Kelly, people say, 'Ah yes, they good.' Maybe one day, they remember Jackie Chan that way.

No, nothing much has changed in me as an actor. Since the day I started out, I always wanted to be part of good stories. The only thing that has changed is now I have options of good stories to choose from.

I was a B.I.G. fan. I like all of his stuff. I don't really have a favorite song. They all are good, and each brings different memories to me. And you can still listen to it to this day and it means something.

For me, from day one, I don't think I realized that I was considered undersized, but I knew I was good. I had certain tools in my toolbox that other guys didn't have, like agility, quickness and explosiveness.

I think every day there is some new actress comes out and inspires me to do something else... like Hilary Swank. After she did Boys Don't Cry, I felt this yearning to go out and be even half as good as she was.

Somebody showed me a picture of some event I went to back in the day, and I was really going heavy on the turquoise jewelry, and it was not good. I was like, 'OK, I guess that was a phase that needed to happen.'

If you give me a typewriter and I'm having a good day, I can write a scene that will astonish its readers. That will perhaps make them laugh, perhaps make them cry - that will have some emotional clout to it. It doesn't cost much to do that.

One day Mani Sir called me to his office and narrated the script of 'Raavan.' He then asked me how good my Hindi is. When I told him that it's quite good, he asked one of his assistant directors to talk to me in Hindi and I was asked only to reply in Hindi.

I was always very quiet, and I think everyone thought that was because I was a good child. I'd sit there in silence, but it wasn't until my mother was calling me one day when I was very young that she realised something was wrong because I wasn't responding.

I think acting helps me as a director no matter what. There is something about being reminded about the vulnerability it takes to be an actor and what I'm really asking of actors every day when I'm on set as a director that I think it's a really good reminder.

I'll tell you what makes me feel worthwhile: organizing and solving other people's problems. It makes me feel good to go to Mexico City and figure out theories on how you can reorganize and reduce crime. To me, it's one of the more fulfilling ways to spend a day.

Yeah, my son likes a lot of guitar bands. He gave me something the other day which was really good. He'll burn a CD for me full of things that he has, so he's a pretty good call if I want to check some of that stuff out... The other two aren't quite into that yet.

It's tricky because obviously when you join a new club, from the very first day, everyone looks at you and tries to see if you are good enough. That's more or less what you have to go through. Then the other thing is that when I signed for West Ham nobody told me I was going to be number one.

Most of my teachers wanted to send me to the principal's office. But my fourth-grade teacher once put her arms around me and said, 'You sure write well.' And I've had good penmanship until this day. She was the only one who ever said anything nice to me. That's the kind of motivation that students need.

I'm always in a hotel room, and I spend a good portion of my day setting it up so it's comfortable for me. Whether that means making paths out of towels so I don't touch the carpet or removing the comforters or just not touching things. Even sitting on a plane with a bunch of other people - it's really hard for me.

I did a movie with Christopher Reeve when I first came to L.A. called 'Switching Channels.' I asked him if it was weird to be Superman. He said, 'You know, George, I've fought against this whole Superman thing, but one day I realized, 'Hey, I'm Superman.'' So, at some point, I just started saying, 'Good for me, I'm Bryan MacKenzie.'

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