I'm never content, and I don't know if that's a curse or a good thing.

Marco van Basten - I never saw him properly play but I know he was pretty good.

When you're going through tough moments, you never know when you're going to have good moments.

I never dye my own hair, I don't know if I could get every spot, and I have a good bit of grey.

I didn't want to be stuck in Dickens period dramas because then I would never know if I was any good.

My heroes were never scientists. They were Graham Greene and Christopher Isherwood, you know, good writers.

I can never understand how a solo could ever be 'uncool.' Play something good, and it won't be uncool, you know?

It's unbelievable how good Jon Jones really is. It's the minute he steps out of the octagon, you never know what's going to happen.

Never say never, but I don't think I'll ever get Botox because we don't know the long-term side effects, and I just don't think that can be good for you.

I've said, I never thought I rebelled. I never - I don't think I've ever had that period. You know, I just had to do what I had to do. You know, I was a good kid.

It's one of those things where if I do a movie, I don't even know if I'm any good. So, I may do one and it sucks and I'm a horrible actor, and I'll never do another one.

I was never a good student. I had to be dragged into kindergarten. It was hard to sit and listen to somebody talk. I wanted to be out, educated by experience and adventure, and I didn't know how to express that.

I ought to be groovy and be able to say the enemy is this and the enemy is that... but I've never been very good at... I don't want to have to answer questions I don't know the answer to properly. I have an opinion.

I want to play the Tour until I'm 46, 47, and then take about three years off, and then go play the Champions Tour when I'm 50. That's the plan, but you never know - it all depends on how good the fishing and hunting is.

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