Good actors, you always know what they're thinking. That's why they're good actors.

When we have a good balance between thinking and feeling... our actions and lives are always the richer for it.

I'm always good at seeing five, ten steps ahead. Like, really thinking ahead, you know? Reverse engineering, whatever it is, you know.

Part of being a fiction writer is being able to imagine how someone else is thinking and feeling. I think I've always been good at that.

I've been a list maker for years, even before I was a musician. I was always writing things down and kept long lists of things that would make good album titles and things like that. I'm constantly thinking in terms of songwriting.

The worst thing is always thinking of titles for records, with some reason behind them, and she just came out with the word, which she thought was a good word, a hard word, and since then we've sort of attached loads of meaning to it.

I don't think anyone's particularly conscious of thinking suits are the thing, but when you see a comedian on stage in jeans and a t-shirt it doesn't matter how good they are - it always looks like amateur hour when they walk onto the stage.

A lot of people want to get involved, so thinking up Vines that require crowds is always good. But I've definitely gotten tweets before that were like, 'Just saw Logan Paul shooting a Vine and ran in the other direction!' so it's not for everyone.

I write totally spontaneously. I actually write fiction by hand - that always seems to startle people. I think the reason I do that is to bypass the thinking part of me and get to the more unconscious part, which is where all the good ideas seem to be.

Being web video 'experts'/'pioneers,' whatever you may want to call us, has us always thinking about content that is outside the box, inherently viral in itself and good for web video audiences, as you can't just put out a good piece of content and expect it to be seen.

It's amazing what you can do in your bathroom! I would do vocals and stuff on my computer that would need to be sent to London or New York for things to be added on, and I was thinking they always say you sound good in the bathroom - but then I'd kick the bin, or someone in the next room would flush the chain or something and I'd be like 'oh no!'

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