If you want to see how good your team is, look at your bench.

Look at cookbooks with your kids and ask them what sounds good.

I think it's a very good thing to leave your country and look at it from afar.

I think it's good to do your own thing and want to be different, and not look like everyone else.

A cute outfit can really make your day. If I wear something I look good in, my mood just goes way up.

I don't think it's good to constantly talk about your own weight and the fact that you look fat in jeans.

When I go on holiday, I wear wedges. They accentuate your leg, honey, and you have to look good on the beach.

I think there is a lot of good in making the All-Star Team. People look at your career a little bit differently.

When you're so young, it's important to understand exactly what your role is. Not just look good - you have to be efficient and effective.

It's so important to get your skin to look even, whether it's with a MAC Cosmetics glow, a Laura Mercier tinted moisturizer, or even just a solid foundation. Start off with a good prep and a good primer.

We get so caught up in doing everything for ourselves, including inspiring ourselves, that it's exhausting and not at all useful. Take a look around you. Look at your friends. Open up to your friends and take in the caring and good intentions they hold toward you.

As a Fox News Channel contributor, I've learned most of the tips over the years: look into the camera like it's a good friend; pull your suit jacket down and sit on it so it doesn't bunch up; and most importantly, never, ever say anything while sitting in that studio that you wouldn't want someone else to hear.

It's different for different people, and for a woman it's important to look as good she wants to look. But you don't need to do it for someone else or to impress some male out there. You do it for your own sake. You wear what makes you feel good, you put make-up and jewellery - whatever gives you self-confidence.

A lot of people say I tried to emulate Tupac, but when I look back at my career, we're very different artists. I took pages out of Pac's book, of course, and lots of other rappers - Biggie, Nas - of course you take pages out of those books, but you eventually make it your own thing. And I think I did a good job of that.

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