Act quickly, think slowly.

Theater dates very quickly.

I get along with people quickly.

I can generate attention quickly.

I pack on mass quickly when I lift.

Voters quickly forget what a man says.

People's minds can change very quickly.

I draft quickly and then revise, a lot.

It amazes me how quickly you can earn money.

Things can change very quickly in Formula 1.

You can grow apart from people very quickly.

Perception is created and twisted so quickly.

The idea is to get the pencil moving quickly.

In football, sometimes things go very quickly.

I was signed at 18 and had to grow up quickly.

My goal is to win and to finish fights quickly.

How quickly passes away the glory of this world.

When everything is easy one quickly gets stupid.

It's pretty scary to know how quickly time flies.

My confidence sort of comes and goes very quickly.

The mouse that hath but one hole is quickly taken.

Whatever you did in the past is quickly forgotten.

Good people climb quickly - just like in a company.

Those who play badminton well take decisions quickly.

Women tend to lag in adopting new technology quickly.

There's no reason you should write any novel quickly.

Passion can quickly slip to jealousy, or even hatred.

I like to do things quickly because I'm easily bored.

When a story captures me, it comes quickly and easily.

So many bright stars, bright in life, burn out quickly.

Geothermal can be a huge source of energy very quickly.

Take in every moment. Don't try to grow up too quickly.

I defy anyone to get a decision that quickly these days.

I'm Russian Jewish. And I had to grow up really quickly.

I find that screen kissing wears very thin very quickly.

Obviously, if you make birdies, you can move up quickly.

I quickly laugh at everything for fear of having to cry.

When I've got time off, my feet get itchy really quickly.

Those who weep recover more quickly than those who smile.

With 'Carousel' I had an idea and it all came out quickly.

This is motor racing, and things can change pretty quickly.

I think cynicism lasts. Sentimentality ages, dates quickly.

A tear dries quickly when it is shed for troubles of others.

I'm young and I have a lot of experience and I learn quickly.

Humans are pretty crafty but will fold quickly in severe cold.

My friends hate me because I do pick up things really quickly.

I got out of college in 1997, and TV embraced me very quickly.

If you don't produce the goods, you're very quickly forgotten.

School districts in the US don't adopt technology very quickly.

Having a crying baby is inspiration to get the job done quickly.

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