I want to look alluring.

A little scorn is alluring.

Power is not alluring to pure minds.

Saturn is such an alluring photographic target.

I want my clothes to be alluring but not uber sexy.

A little disdain is not amiss; a little scorn is alluring.

I find all that slightly destructive but mad love alluring.

He was abominable...and the most alluring, tortured soul I'd ever met.

I think the story of DiMaggio was alluring precisely for its impossibility.

Nothing is more alluring to a man than a woman who looks good in her jeans.

To my eye, women get sexier around 35. They know a thing or two, and knowledge is always alluring.

Why do women have to face comments like, 'You are wearing short clothes; you are alluring and inviting men?'

I love a very alluring woman. I love a strong woman. I love a woman that wanders, that just wants to explore.

There is nothing more alluring to man than freedom of conscience, but neither is there anything more agonizing.

I have had a few gentlemen let me know they find my manly beardiness somewhat alluring. Never any ladies though.

An American Idol is someone that has all the qualities that America thinks is positive, attractive and alluring.

The freedom to make a fortune on the stock exchange has been made to sound more alluring than freedom of speech.

In the jungle of ideas, it is hard to find the true direction! The paths of the wrong ideas often seem to be very alluring!

And I particularly like the whole thing of being boss. Boss and employee... It's the slave quality that I find very alluring.

The freedom of just going into the booth and spitting and freestyling to release whatever was on your mind was alluring to me.

Why do I find the fantasy - husband, family, kids - exhausting instead of alluring? Is there something wrong with me? Do I have a life?

I think 'House of Night' blew up the way it did because it offered so many people a fantasy that they can be... vampires are very alluring.

Depression is so treacherous - it can be so alluring as well as punishing. After all, it's yours and yours alone - no one else can interfere with it.

I liked the America of Bing Crosby, Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton - it was all a dream, of course, but a very alluring dream for a young man from Canton.

I'm one of those people who happen to like trees. I don't know why - I just do. As a kid, I loved to climb them. The distant, upper branches, especially, were celestial and alluring.

With each new pair of shoes, each new wrist-watch, each new Walkman or moisture-wicking wonder-material that runners put on, the sport became more alluring to me and to millions of others.

Soft addictions are an alluring, seductive aspect of our culture - they are easy to attain and socially acceptable, they are even encouraged in many cases. Yet they are lethal to the spirit.

I find the world with its inequities and injustices to be messy, unfair, and complicated. The cosmos, on the other hand, is orderly and beautiful - this I find terribly alluring and captivating.

I think that the typical Emilia Wickstead women is very effortless, very sophisticated: she's got alluring style, and she's always taking on fashion. I always describe her as 'imaginative with her own taste'.

I was obsessed with award shows and made charts and graphs and stuff when I was 7 years old. I found the entertainment business hilarious, ridiculous, and alluring - and my parents supported it, for better or worse.

One place that I looked at a lot from space and which looks alluring is New Zealand, especially the North Island. It's a big broad valley with a river flowing through it, and you can see the wine-making dryness of the land.

The biggest hits - be they Coca-Cola or Doritos - owe their success to complex formulas that pique the taste buds enough to be alluring but don't have a distinct, overriding single flavor that tells the brain to stop eating.

'Seconds' is all about spaces, and I guess spaces are kind of like people in that they can be haunting and alluring before we even really get to know them, and after prolonged exposure, they can become mundane or oppressive.

When I was between the ages of five and nine, the soldiers of the Second World War wanted to have Betty Grable, but I wanted to be Betty Grable. She was the epitome of an alluring woman; she had it all as far as I was concerned.

When I was a kid, I always had a big thing for Dannii Minogue. Initially I liked Kylie, but I quickly moved on to Dannii. There was always something more alluring about her. I think I actually wrote to her asking if we could meet.

If you break things down to goodies and baddies, the baddies are always a bit more alluring in fiction, and that's true from a narrative point of view. But I wanted to write a novel about real life, and real life is a bit more nuanced than that.

I can't deny that the thought of being governor, the thought of being president, is alluring. And beyond that, it would be an opportunity to make a real impact on people's lives on a global scale. But there are a lot of other things I want to do first.

The appeal of the paranormal bad boy - or James Bond super-spy, as one example of male escapism - can sometimes make everyday problems seem less dire. Thus, a few hours spent immersed in the world of the wicked yet alluring hero is the equivalent of a mini-vacation.

The hottest look for a night out is a deep side part. If that part is not at least three inches in length, then start over. The wider the part, the more open your eyes appear. It is an alluring and seductive look that will keep your date's attention the entire night.

Maybe strong leaders are not quite as alluring as we think, and we should celebrate the fact that our leaders are just like us. Just because one candidate can't remember his whole speech and the other likes to put his feet up on the job doesn't mean they can't govern.

I like the collarbone, a very clean collarbone. I think there's something also very delicate and balletic about that part of a woman's body, and I'm not really a cleavage person, but I do like a back or a shoulder; I think there's something very alluring about backless dresses.

But I was always much more interested in reading fashion magazines than I was music magazines when I was a teenager. Just that sense of romanticism and escapism and the dream of it has always been quite alluring to me, as well as that sense of becoming a character through clothes.

Everybody complains about getting older, but I find it such a rich time of life. There are negative things about it, I suppose, but more than that, I'm finding it to be a very positive experience in which growth suggests itself in a much more alluring way than it did when I was young - isn't that funny?

At the age of nine, I simultaneously fell in love with two Dutch sisters because they seemed so beautifully strange, and their clothes were mysterious and alluring - added to which, they could not speak a word of English. More than anything, I wanted to connect with them and embark on a vast journey of exploration.

Since the beginning of HQ Trivia, when only 48 people logged in, the chat section was lighting up with comments such as 'This is so cool!' So, we hooked those early users with alluring graphics and sound, a fast-paced test of wits, interactivity with a live and entertaining host, and the lure of winning free money.

The menu should be part of the entertainment, part of the dining experience. It's kind of like reading the 'Playbill' when you go to the theater. It should be an alluring and interactive document. Does it have burn marks on it from the candle? If you ever get a greasy menu with food stains on it, it's time to run like hell.

Millions of us track ourselves all the time. We step on a scale and record our weight. We balance a checkbook. We count calories. But when the familiar pen-and-paper methods of self-analysis are enhanced by sensors that monitor our behavior automatically, the process of self-tracking becomes both more alluring and more meaningful.

If you are starving and young and in search of answers as to why your life is so difficult, fundamentalism can be alluring. We know this for a fact because former members of Boko Haram have admitted it: They offer impressionable young people money and the promise of food, while the group's mentors twist their minds with fanaticism.

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