I only finished first grade.

I did plays in grade school.

I made good grades in school.

I got good grades. I played sports.

I kind of always did get good grades.

I never cared what kind of grade I got.

I did not think I would make the grade.

The ninth grade. I went from 5'9 to 6'8.

God grades on the Cross not on the curve.

My first dunk was actually in sixth grade.

I was a class clown, never got good grades.

I was home schooled starting in seventh grade.

There are not grades of racism. There's racism.

I wrote down the grades I wanted in every class.

I was obsessed with Agatha Christie in sixth grade.

In my 8th grade yearbook picture I had on 2 chains.

There should be a course in the first grade on love.

I'm stuck in 7th grade & I just keep getting let back

Both my girls have always made great grades in school.

Congress is like first grade, only not as well behaved.

When I was in sixth grade, I wanted to become a priest.

I flunked three grades before I got out of high school.

In fourth grade, I missed 82 days of school. Out of 160.

I could have been a Rhodes Scholar, except for my grades.

I bought an electric scooter in sixth grade. Bankrupted me.

I applied for the University of Life. Didn't get the grades.

I'm sure kids had masturbated by sixth grade. I had for sure.

In seventh grade, false feelings and false faces are the rule.

We get good grades or poor grades - according to our attitudes.

I knew I had to get my grades so that I could focus on football.

I have been playing since the third grade. It just makes me happy.

My parents don't press it but, you know, they're into good grades.

You wouldn’t know it by looking, but I had no teeth in first grade.

Being an actor is like being a student, and I plan to get top grades.

The honours system gets to grade people. Graded grains make finer rice.

Grades are a subjective rating masquerading as an objective evaluation.

I'm passionate about schoolwork because I don't like getting bad grades.

You see, I went to the sixth grade and that was the highest I ever went.

And I thought to myself, 'I haven't had a Schlitz since the third grade!

No creature can attain a higher grade of nature without ceasing to exist.

I always got good grades in creative writing from elementary school on up.

I abhor grades - if a child does his best, that's all that should be asked.

I had been writing fiction since I was in eighth grade, because I loved it.

I always got good grades; I just didn't go to school much. I didn't like it.

You know, I'm fairly intelligent, but I don't think my grades reflected that.

"Margaret" was just my truth. It was what I knew to be true about sixth grade.

I had a very high-grade publisher tell me I was incapable of writing a memoir.

I did like history. I was always quite interested and got good grades as well.

Grades don't measure anything other than your relevant obedience to a manager.

My mother and brother made me strive to get good grades and get through school.

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