After graduating in 1973 I went into the programming field.

I feel like I was in the last graduating class of commercial actors.

After graduating in the summer of 1980, I knew I wanted my life to count.

I'm graduating and I'm 23 years old, so I can do whatever the hell I want.

When I was 18, graduating high school, I was going to the University of Missouri.

It's so important to understand your good attendance ups your chances of graduating.

There were a hundred people in my graduating class. I wouldn't have changed it for the world.

I believe in myself as I look forward to graduating from Hamilton Heights High School in 1991.

I found out I wanted to be a filmmaker almost by accident after graduating from college in 2005.

Graduating from college and starting your life as an adult is a giant transition no matter what.

After graduating from Brown, I went to law school and became a corporate lawyer in New York City.

Among those people not graduating, there might be a Steve Jobs or Barack Obama. We'll never know.

Students graduating with high debt encounter difficulties in qualifying for home and automobile loans.

It wasn't until I was 18, when I was graduating high school, that I went and bought a guitar on a whim.

I grew up in Michigan, in a very small town, Centreville. In my graduating class, I had like 92 people.

Graduating from high school is certainly a good idea, but it's no longer much protection against poverty.

It's very important with these young people who are graduating and getting married to write thank-you notes.

You know what they call the fellow who finishes last in his medical school graduating class? They call him 'Doctor.'

I feel like I was in the last graduating class of commercial actors. TiVo! I was out there before TiVo came out, man.

I'm actually graduating early. I got a lot of work done already. Being home schooled, I have had a lot of tutors help me.

At 17 I was graduating and didn't know what to do. I was seriously contemplating going to Melbourne to play Aussie football.

I've grown up with the same people my whole life. I've had the same classmates from elementary all the way through graduating.

After graduating from high school, even though I was working, I didn't have enough money to pay rent, so I stayed with my Nana.

After graduating from National School of Drama, I started doing theatre in Delhi. But there was not much money in Hindi theatre.

I did regret not graduating high school, but I made a point of going back and getting my GED later. It was important for my kids.

Eight months after graduating from Ryerson, there I was in West Berlin working with Marlene Dietrich and David Bowie and Kim Novak.

The only thing that matters with my kids are them graduating and playing well, and I try to do my dangedest to get them to play well.

About two-thirds of bachelor's degree holders borrow to go to school, and on average they're graduating with more than $26,000 in debt.

We have lots of students graduating from our high schools, and you import the labor, then we're not giving that opportunity to our own folks.

When I was graduating college with an economics degree, I had no idea what I wanted to do. I was kind of scared. So I was just trying everything.

When I went to Paris after graduating high school, I saw a model who was 12 years old without any supervision. That wouldn't happen in the acting world.

I moved to L.A. straight out of graduating my arts high school and worked three jobs to afford living while taking acting classes and auditioning often.

After graduating, the jobs that I got were TV, so you sort of move to where the jobs are. But I would absolutely go back to theater if the role was right.

When I was graduating from college, the things I valued most were family, faith, and philanthropy. I refer to them as the three f's, phonetically speaking.

After graduating from college I worked at a variety of jobs, from banking to politics. I enjoyed whatever I was doing at the time but I didn't love my work.

In my family, graduating and getting your bachelor's is just the beginning. It's only expected. You're underachieving if you don't strive for more than that.

I went to college for fashion and, after graduating, got a job in Operations at Zara, learning the ins and outs so I could one day start my own clothing brand.

Everyday people are graduating from universities with crippling debt, stifling their opportunity for financial mobility, that is what's broken with this country.

I definitely think for up and coming filmmakers, people graduating from film school, people that want to do their own movies, horror movies are a great way to go.

I went to Hong Kong in '97 to witness the handover after graduating university, and then I was gonna backpack around Asia and then come back here and look for a job.

The cost of college education today is so high that many young people are giving up their dream of going to college, while many others are graduating deeply in debt.

In 'Sweet Days of Discipline,' the narrator, years after graduating, fortuitously encounters her old friend Frederique at a movie theatre. Frederique invites her home.

After graduating, I began auditioning for films while continuing to model. I did a few fashion shows, ad shoots, and even got a few Bollywood offers, but nothing great.

After graduating in engineering I went to the University of Kansas to get an MA in economics as a vehicle for allowing me to decide if I wanted to continue in economics.

No matter what stage of life you are graduating from or entering, learning how to build and state your case is something every person in the world should know how to do.

I wound up graduating from the Los Angeles County School for the Arts as a theatre major and then was honored to be accepted into Carnegie Mellon's Musical Theatre program.

I've met graduating college kids facing loan payments and a bad economy, and they are worried that they won't be able to get a job. This is not the way America needs to be.

We need more of our young youth graduating from college trying to get their education, and trying to be contributing members, positive contributing members to the community.

After graduating, I was shooting as well as working as a key grip, and I often found myself the only female out of the whole crew, except for producers and the occasional AC.

After graduating from high school, I worked at an advertising agency as a designer. After I left, I spent a year doing nothing in particular. At age 23, I drew my first comic.

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