I'm pretty gritty.

New Yorkers are real gritty and tough.

I'm chuffed to be getting gritty stuff.

Standup is a tough job and a gritty job.

I like showing the gritty truthful dark side of humanity.

I definitely love when things get gritty and they get a bit dirty!

Where I come from, the estates are not so nice. It is a bit gritty.

Real relationship is gritty and earthy, the stuff that life is made of.

I like the gritty parts of fashion, the design, the studio, the pictures.

This is reporting the way I like it... in the field, gritty and aggressive.

Philadelphians are a gritty, tough people who will help you when you're down.

I like films that are gritty and hard-hitting and suspenseful. Thrillers, too.

Tough, gritty, those are things that have been in me since I was a little kid.

'The Interceptor' is gritty but also entertaining. The action is great as well.

The gritty indie films are a lot rarer than the films that aspire to fill multiplexes.

I can always tell if a band has a British rhythm section due to the gritty production.

I'd love to venture into TV or do some gritty dramas - Guy Ritchie, that kind of thing.

I didn't grow up seeing faces of patriots, emotional and raw and gritty, who looked like me.

It's so easy for shows to be gritty and handheld and shaky and really tight in people's faces.

I would love to do a good gritty drama, a romantic role. I tend to play bad guys for some reason.

The thing is, fairytales were once a very gritty way for people to dialogue about aspects of life.

Jessica Jones isn't dressed in a sexy outfit to turn people on. She's gritty. She's a human being.

New York is responsible for bringing that raw, that real gritty hip-hop, because we... originated it.

My heart is in independent film-making. For me, it's where the fun, gritty storytelling is being told.

There's also a lot of gritty Americana type of bands. I actually have a lot of Britpop on my iPod, too.

'Dark Blue' is ultimately a gritty crime drama, at its core. I don't think that is ever going to change.

I have my dark side like anybody, you know, depression, anxiety... and I write about gritty, real-life stuff.

The future has both gritty and savage and clean and 'techno-hip.' I think it's a very realistic point of view.

I would love to do anything from a really gritty, interesting, indie type film, to that commercial, bigger stuff.

I love gritty drama. I'm passionate about films and drama that make you think - hard-hitting, gravelly characters.

And as much as I love the gritty characters, I like to play all sorts of characters. I'm an actor. I love to create.

As a young woman, before I had any money, I went backpacking across India, and I was aware of how gritty it could be.

Soho is a gritty former mercantile area that has, of course, evolved into the most bourgeois neighborhood in New York.

I think when I was younger, I used to sort of long to be a part of films that were really gritty and hardcore in a way.

I love challenging films, really. I'd prefer to do some gritty, challenging roles. That would be awesome and really fun.

Although some people think I am a romantic novelist I have always thought of myself as a rather gritty radical historian.

I still want to do a romantic comedy or a western or a gritty independent film... there's so much that I still want to do.

You know, I have got quite a husky, gritty voice which people say - even when I'm talking nicely - does sound a bit rough.

Compound chocolate is gritty, cheaper and doesn't have that fruitiness, the backnotes and smoothness you get in couverture.

If we want to create a viable, peaceful world, we've got to integrate compassion into the gritty realities of 21st century life.

I am undependable. You might get gritty contemporary with one book, science fiction, magical realism, or high fantasy with another.

I love getting to bounce around and explore so much. I love Scandinavia. I love Spain. It's so mystical and romantic, yet it's gritty.

When people hear my music, they ain't really hearing about no shiny stuff, the glamorous life. They're going to hear that gritty, slum.

I wrote 'Channel Orange' in two weeks. The end product wasn't always that gritty, real-life depiction of the real struggle that happened.

I make movies on gritty topics like crime, the underworld, and horror. I don't make movies with good-looking people in good-looking locales.

I had hoped that going to Hiroshima would reveal something small, gritty, and precise to countervail the epic quality of historical accounts.

I'm hungry for a cold and mean character. I'd love it if someone thought I could play gritty. I want to play a baddie - someone really scary.

I always like to incorporate one or two chic accessories that contrast with the more gritty look of my daily uniform: a leather jacket and jeans.

We don't want to put a band-aid on our problems that we keep talking about in society; we want to get down to the nitty gritty and do some surgery.

Gritty people train at the edge of their comfort zone. They zero in on one narrow aspect of their performance and set a stretch goal to improve it.

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