M&A guidelines need to be liberal.

History provides no precise guidelines.

Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines.

Traffic signals in New York are just rough guidelines.

Spirit of cricket is not about just the guidelines provided.

It was a good opportunity to show the Reds the guidelines on the catwalk.

The school I was going to said they had no guidelines for a person with AIDS.

Art is not some sort of guideline for understanding. It's a thing unto itself.

Our embedded reporters during the war agreed to guidelines established by the military.

Mandatory sentencing guidelines have become as complicated and detailed as the IRS code!

My stuff is my stuff. I do it for my own reasons, using my own peculiar set of guidelines.

Principles are guidelines for human conduct that are proven to have enduring, permanent value.

As a general guideline, never marry anyone that you can't picture helping you go to the bathroom.

Step outside the guidelines of the official umpires and make your own rules and your own reality.

When I came into this industry I set down some guidelines for myself. And I plan to stick to them.

There are really no guidelines whatsoever, because this is the kind of thing that only happens to ME.

I know we can't abolish prejudice through laws, but we can set up guidelines for our actions by legislation.

The behavior of the oppressed is a prescribed behavior, following as it does the guidelines of the oppressor.

Some people think we're adrift without any guidelines. I don't. I think we've had instruction on how to live.

Judo was one of those sports where they give you guidelines but then try to tell you to develop your own style.

I don't need a U.N. report to tell me whether my army... operates according to the international law guidelines.

The oppressed, having internalized the image of the oppressor and adopted his guidelines, are fearful of freedom.

Strategy is the articulation of the overall objectives along with general guidelines on achieving those objectives.

Theater represents to me this phenomenon in juxtaposition to real life, where there are all these imposed guidelines.

Art has to be, you know, trade itself, conform to the old strict guidelines set forth by how it was going to act in the future.

There are 18,000 police agencies in this country. There's no network requiring them to operate according to the same guidelines.

The time has come to formulate guidelines for the ethical conduct of scientist, perhaps in the form of a voluntary Hippocratic Oath.

Religion is something left over from the infancy of our intelligence, it will fade away as we adopt reason and science as our guidelines.

Even when safety guidelines and regulations are in place, the rate of chemicals acceptable by law may be far higher than what is genuinely safe.

My mom is a self-taught home cook, so books that offer guidelines on how to organize menus are critical to 'cook from the book' people like her.

We will follow in letter and spirit whatever the RBI rules and guidelines are - whether at the holding company level or individual company level.

I'd just like to inspire people to be themselves and do what they want and not conform to the rigid guidelines of the music or entertainment business.

There is no such thing as an average person. They really are guidelines for people to grapple with the unknown, and we can always surprise expectations.

We have a training period; we have certain guidelines and structure. You can't hire talented people and stifle them. That's not the way it works anymore.

As with any social platform, there will always be trolls, but HQ Trivia has guidelines in place to ensure the chat vibes remain chill and family-friendly.

I would say I'm an inspirational guidelines book. You can take my life story or scenarios or songs and relate to them and apply them to your everyday life.

Today there are not even enough fruits and vegetables in this country to allow all Americans to follow the government guidelines to eat five to nine servings a day.

There are only two guidelines in good sex, don't do anything you don't really enjoy and find out what are your partner needs and don't balk them if you can help it.

I really like writing for specific projects. It's a whole different way of writing when you have certain guidelines and a theme you're writing to. It's very inspiring.

In my stunted career as a scholar, I'd read promissory notes, papal bulls and guidelines for Inquisitorial interrogation. Dante, too. Boccaccio... But after 1400? Nihil.

In order to achieve optimal economic growth, Congress must adhere to sane spending guidelines while promoting smart policies devoted to growing businesses and creating jobs.

Not one single country in the world is dependent for their trade wholly on WTO guidelines - they aren't 'rules,' because the sanctions for breaching the guidelines are puny.

When WHO works with the private sector, the Organization takes all possible measures to ensure its work to develop policy and guidelines is protected from industry influence.

Health care providers can follow guidelines for responsible painkiller prescribing and talk with their patients about the risks and benefits of taking prescription painkillers.

I'm not against ratings per se. I think more information is always good. But I certainly don't think the government has to step in and set guidelines for how shows should be rated.

When I'm singing, that's all me. That's from the bottom of my heart - it's everything I've worked for. When you're on stage, there are no guidelines. No one's telling me what to do!

The bottom line is that Ebola is hard to treat, and when the first patient ever with Ebola came to the United States, we thought the guidelines would protect the health care workers.

There are no real guidelines or maps in Australia as to how to write a show, whereas in Hollywood it's where the TV industry is created and there's a lot of work that goes into development.

It's just really important that we have boundaries and guidelines to operate. Our homes, the cars, everything is going to be on the Internet. And so what are the guidelines? What do we want?

The difficult thing about a pop record is that you're given guidelines: it has to have 3 choruses, and then it must be between 3 minutes fifteen seconds and three minutes forty-five seconds.

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