My momma's my hairdresser.

I used to be a hairdresser.

I always wanted to be a hairdresser.

When I was a kid, I wanted to be a hairdresser.

A hairdresser holds a trusted place in a woman's life

Talking to your hairdresser is almost like talking to your therapist.

My hairdresser loves me because he gets the liberty to get creative with my hair.

I just let my hair go - if there's no hairdresser around I really can't be bothered!

Somebody once described my music as 'Hairdresser Pop.' I don't know what that sounds like.

My hairdresser and I found ourselves shopping at Bloomingdale's with nothing to do for days.

I go to the hairdresser once a month and even if I don't use products, I always want to look tidy.

I like cake, I swear a lot, and I hardly ever go to the hairdresser. I don't think I'm a movie star.

I've had the honor of working with so many trans people as a hairdresser over my career in some way.

I actually have sang at a wedding before! My old hairdresser from New Jersey, I sang at her wedding.

When my hair is long enough to be cut, I go to my wife's hairdresser, and she generally pays for it.

The first Van Halen album makes Johnny Rotten out to be what he really was and still is: a hairdresser.

I think that the most important thing a woman can have - next to talent, of course - is her hairdresser.

My family was really big on college, and it was hard for them to stomach that I was going to be a hairdresser.

My mom was a hairdresser. My aunt was a hairdresser. My brother was a hairdresser. My sisters are hairdressers.

On my first movie, there were three women: the body-makeup girl, the hairdresser, and the secretary of the producer.

Where I grew up, there was one supermarket, one school, one hairdresser, and that was it. It was a very small community.

My mum said I told her I wanted to be a hairdresser during the week and a star on the weekend and that was when I was really young.

Having a mom as a hairdresser was really awesome: I was always her test dummy. I've had every style, every color you could imagine.

My hairdresser Alan, who I've known since I began competing, lives with us, along with his husband Nathan, so I have my own gay gaggle.

I work with an amazing team - I have a stylist and a hairdresser and make-up artist who are always wondering what I am going to do next!

My hairdresser in the U.K., Adam Reed, has his own line, Percy and Reed, and it's really good. And I use Moroccan Oil and Kerastase as well.

I'm still a tomboy at heart. In high school, I was the girl in the baggy jeans and Timberlands, but I was also at the hairdresser's every week.

I just wanted a change. My hair started hurting my back, so I went to my hairdresser and said 'Take it off.' And I'm delighted with the results.

When I first started on 'Medium,' they didn't like me growing my hair too long. But I was freaked out when the hairdresser cut off even an inch.

When people ask how have I kept on top, I have to say with the help of every photographer, make-up artist and hairdresser I've ever worked with.

That Shaw is the most egotistical thing! He hogged the camera and spent more time with the hairdresser and the makeup man than any actor on the lot!

'Hairdresser Blues' was written when I was deep in a ten-year depression that I escaped shortly after recording that album. I don't like that album.

I was a hairdresser's assistant. I used to get 20p tips for washing an old woman's hair. I used to get there at 8 A.M., leave at 6 P.M. and get £10.

Most of the time, I do my own hair. I have good hair, so I don't need much. I don't need a hairdresser to come unless I want something very specific.

My career path is the weirdest thing. I was a hairdresser, I worked at Marvel for a few months, and then I was signed to a DC exclusive for eight years.

My father was an interpreter for all the Latin American pilots at the naval base. He was very well educated. My mother was a hairdresser who sang every day.

I don't mind playing gay because there's a whole plethora of gay roles out there, but if I get asked to play one more Southern hairdresser, I'm going to scream.

When I was younger, I had a perm, and it was really big. My mom was a hairdresser, so even my dad had a perm! I looked like a poodle, but it was cool at the time.

I love a lot of things, and I'm pretty much obsessive about most things I do, whether it be gardening, or architecture, or music. I'd be an obsessive hairdresser.

I'm just not interested in the norm. The only example I can give you is I can't go to a hairdresser and talk about holidays. I just don't live in that world. It's not me.

Whenever I go to L.A., the make-up artist or hairdresser will end up having a conversation about how fat they think they are, and I really just can't take it seriously at all.

All a woman needs is a good bath, clean clothes, and for her hair to be combed. These things she can do herself. I very seldom go to the hairdresser, but when I do, I just marvel.

Times were very hard if you were a poor, politically correct Jewish girl living in the east end of London during the Blitz and you were trying to eke out a living as a hairdresser.

When I first cut my hair short, I was trying for a mix of Mia Farrow and Jean Seberg. The photo I took to my hairdresser was Jean Seberg in Breathless. I said, 'Make me look like this.'

I went to a Turkish hairdresser, and they burned the hair off my ears with a lit taper. They just put the burning candle near your ears and you hear the hair being burned away. And the smell - urggh!

I have to always go back to Tim Horton's, it's my favorite spot. I remember growing up as a kid - my mom, every Saturday morning she'd go the hairdresser and she'd give me two dollars to go buy donuts.

Being a hairdresser is really fun, especially if you don't work at a stupid rich-lady place. You basically just get paid to hang out and talk with a bunch of cool, weird ladies and help them with their looks.

Even though I'm a hairdresser and I love doing hair, I feel like I don't look like a groomer. When I think of how a groomer would look in relation to the first version of 'Queer Eye,' I feel like I don't fit in that box.

I had really long hair, and we had this hairdresser, Laverne, that was in Athens. And she did my hair up really big. And she said, 'Honey, when you hang your head over the bed and make love, that hair is not going to move.'

The fact is that movie stars are as insecure as the rest of us - if not more so. Many live in a luxurious bubble in which their best friends are their trainer, their hairdresser, their publicist, and their Kabbalah instructor.

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