I'm happily single.

I'm happily married.

I always try to play happily.

I've already had my happily ever after.

I don't sleep with happily married men.

Happily, I had lots of childhood heroes.

A song is a burden that you carry happily.

He was happily married - but his wife wasn't.

To live happily is an inward power of the soul.

I don't do guilt. Whatever I do, I do it happily.

I'd happily describe myself as a TV presenter now.

I could quite happily run a florist or a bake shop.

I'd rather be happily single than unhappily married.

My mother died happily of a stroke in her seventies.

I will happily sit at home and take care of the house.

I've been happily married to Chris for almost 20 years.

I do all my films happily, and I enjoy every moment of it.

Fashion somehow, for me, is purely and happily irrational.

I just want to live happily ever after, every now and then.

I grew up happily immersed in Jewish culture and community.

I'll happily pay more taxes if we all have equal human rights.

I ran to my marriage, I was happily ready to take on marriage.

I had reconciled myself to being happily out to pasture, a bit.

I will happily work anywhere they need me to if they pay me well.

I take life in its stride and accept every single second happily.

I happily watch movies made on the life and achievement of others.

I am happily married to a wonderful man. He is not in the business.

It's just as hard... staying happily married as it is doing movies.

I'm a nice, happily married wife and mom and I live in Connecticut.

We Brazilians, happily or unhappily, leave a lot to the last minute.

I could live on challah bread, the Jewish kosher bread, quite happily.

To live happily with other people, ask of them only what they can give.

Nobody lives happily ever after, because that is extremely unrealistic.

Throughout my life, I happily deferred to family, companions, children.

Better to marry unhappily 100 times than to live happily forever in sin.

We all have to live together, so we might as well live together happily.

It is a rare and difficult attainment to grow old gracefully and happily.

I moved to Lucerne, where I have lived happily with my family ever since.

I don't write the kind of 'happily ever after' that romance readers enjoy.

The good ended happily, and the bad unhappily. That is what fiction means.

I live for being with the people I love and to live as happily as possible.

I would happily help to turn the stone being thrown at me into a boomerang.

I'm a happily declared chocoholic. I keep it everywhere, even my nightstand.

And if real life was like the movies, I should have lived happily ever after.

A peace agreement isn't like a fairy story. You don't live happily ever after.

The adulation or the superstardom is something I could leave out quite happily.

I'm a happily married man and I think to get married you have to be optimistic.

Nobody loves a baby more than me and I would happily have had about 10 of them.

I'm extremely proud of 'Hollyoaks.' No one could be flying the flag more happily.

The world has grown suspicious of anything that looks like a happily married life.

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