I am a deficit hawk.

My wife watches me like a hawk.

Watch your finances like a hawk.

Being on the Intelligence Committee made me more of a hawk.

Every Democrat on Capitol Hill professes to be a fiscal hawk.

My reputation is as a fiscal hawk. At least, I hope that it is.

I'm an Englishman who did a film on Mogadishu, 'Black Hawk Down.'

Being a defense hawk and a budget hawk are not mutually exclusive.

The film 'Black Hawk Down' paints the Somali people as wild savages.

I was physically addicted to 'Tony Hawk's American Wasteland' for PS2.

People would say I really loved Buck Rogers until the Hawk guy came on.

Did you know I staged the first performance in America of At the Hawk's Well?

I love action films, and to be able to put together 'Silver Hawk' was so exciting.

Some things are worth the fat and calories, although I have to watch it like a hawk.

I didn't have a ton of success as Justin Hawk Bradshaw, but it wasn't a failure, either.

Everyone probably says this, but my favorite athlete is Tony Hawk. I'd really love to meet him.

When you have a child, you have to have a hawk eye. You have to be with the child all the time.

I had gotten a lot of acclaim for giving a previously dead franchise, 'Hawk & Dove,' a facelift.

Kim Coates is my best friend. I met Coatsy in 2001 in Morocco while working on 'Black Hawk Down.'

Happy to be a Hawk. Shows a lot of promise that the organization is willing to take the time to pick me.

'Black Hawk Down' has such distinctive visual aplomb that its jingoism starts to feel like part of its atmosphere.

Fairs are beneath the dignity of art. To stand there in a booth and hawk your wares - it is just not how you sell art.

On 'Black Hawk Down,' I was employing 1,000 Muslims. 'Kingdom of Heaven,' same deal except bigger, probably 1,500 Muslims.

With 'Fantasy Factory,' I want to take skating beyond the Tony Hawk generation and represent the street-skating generation.

When you open up 'Instagram,' you need to know that you're seeing the real Tony Hawk, the real Taylor Swift, the real Burberry.

Anyone who has ever stopped to watch a hawk in flight will know that this is one of the natural world's most elegant phenomena.

I've always loved both Marvel and DC equally, but I don't have a career without DC giving me the original 'Hawk and Dove' mini-series.

While my friends were outside practising to be Tony Hawk or Michael Jordan, I was inside playing Mozart, increasingly disillusioned and bored.

If I had a daughter, and some guy came home with her, I'd be on him like a hawk. When I meet people's parents, I know my place. It's not that hard.

Our success in Singapore was a Herculean effort by the whole team. Now I am determined to deliver on all we promised. I will be watching like a hawk.

It seems that the most important thing about Reagan was his anti-Communism and his reputation as a hawk who saw the Soviet Union as an 'evil empire.'

'Black Hawk Down' wants to be about something, and in the midst of the meticulously staged gunfire, the picture seems to choose futility arbitrarily.

'[email protected]' is really, really dope. I'm really proud of it, and I really love the role of Hawk. It's arguably one of my favorite roles I've played.

While some artists hunt for more groundbreaking ideas, A Hawk and a Hacksaw finds novelty in tradition, proving that what's new depends only on who's listening.

I'm a fiscal hawk. I vote against all taxes, but I do believe the environment, and climate change, is a bigger issue than fiscal deficits are as a risk to the nation.

A serious writer is not to be confounded with a solemn writer. A serious writer may be a hawk or a buzzard or even a popinjay, but a solemn writer is always a bloody owl.

I'll just say it was a combination of a lot of people within the AEW upper office that decided that it was a good idea to have the 'Murder Hawk Monster' on AEW television.

I liked working with Tom Christopher as he was great as Hawk, and Wilfred Hyde White but I wished it were in a different context as the changes really tuned off the audience.

I don't think radio is selling records like they used to. They'd hawk the song and hawk the artist and you'd get so excited, you'd stop your car and go into the nearest record store.

I'm proud of 'Black Hawk Down' because I think it told a provocative story and it was honest. It could have had more opportunity to tell both sides of the story, but I'm still proud of it.

To make money, I did portraits . The truth is so bizarre! I'm kind of embarrassed. I was like a 19th-century pirate painter. I'd say, 'Your mom would love a painting of you!' A salesman! I'd hawk paintings.

Elizabeth Warren has very good proposals regarding Wall Street, but she really has not been leading the charge for single-payer health care... and is pretty much a war hawk in alignment with Hillary Clinton.

I always feel with a vintage shop they've picked the best bits to show you whereas with charity shops you can find a real gem. My mum is amazing at it, she has hawk eyes, so I go with her and follow her lead!

I've definitely had my share of calls where I just laugh. Someone came to me once and wanted to do a signature Hawk cologne. I was like, 'Of what? Sweaty pads? Am I wringing out my pads into a little perfume bottle?'

A Hawk and a Hacksaw may be from America, but the band's music sure isn't: Since the beginning, Eastern Europe has been an unwavering source of musical inspiration, not to mention fertile touring ground, for the group.

And then there's all these other creeps that surround your band and suck off you like leeches and try to manipulate you and your business. You have to watch like a hawk. I'm always ready to fight. I see it very much as a battle.

When I first read the script to 'Black Hawk Down,' I didn't think it was the greatest thing in the world - far from it. But I thought the script at least raised some very important questions that are missing from the final product.

Whether defending our nation as a Black Hawk pilot abroad or serving our veterans and those in need at home, my life has been enriched by the opportunities I've had to serve my country and fellow citizens, both in and out of uniform.

The men appear to have a special blend of GOP DNA: Rubio and Cruz appeal to both the key social conservative and defense hawk wings of GOP with their respective 98 percent and 100 percent lifetime American Conservative Union ratings.

August is the month of the high-sailing hawks. The hen hawk is the most noticeable. He likes the haze and calm of these long, warm days. He is a bird of leisure and seems always at his ease. How beautiful and majestic are his movements!

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