Saying no is so heartbreaking.

I find heartbreaking stuff really funny.

All Pixar movies are heartbreaking, aren't they?

There is beauty, heartbreaking beauty, everywhere.

I did fail, say what you will, for Jo wouldn't love me.

The world is a heartbreaking place, without any question.

We tiptoed around each other like heartbreaking new friends.

It's heartbreaking to watch people working against themselves.

You don’t forget the face of the person who was your last hope.

To miss out on the top four in Europe is heartbreaking, really.

Who's got the most heartbreaking voice? I don't know. Tough question.

At the touch of mankind, things wear away with heartbreaking slowness.

Greg Grunberg is so beautiful and charming and funny and heartbreaking.

Every time you turn on the TV, you see some kind of heartbreaking story.

'Money Changes Everything' is this terribly despairing, heartbreaking song.

Of all aspects of social misery nothing is so heartbreaking as unemployment.

'Hairspray' has never been irrelevant, which is, in some ways, heartbreaking.

Sometimes people break your heart enough that it's not heartbreaking anymore.

It has been my experience that rewarding and heartbreaking often go hand in hand.

Casting can be heartbreaking. Dealing with the disappointment is the hardest part.

The most heartbreaking thing of all is how we cheat ourselves of the present moment.

The discovery that heartbreak is indeed heartbreaking consoles us about our humanity.

Meeting authors is kind of the death of the characters. That is always heartbreaking.

Losing a game is heartbreaking. Losing your sense of excellence or worth is a tragedy.

I've had the chance to meet families with children who are sick, and it's heartbreaking.

The sort of seeing cruelty and callousness of that sort from young people is heartbreaking.

It's heartbreaking to see theater people be forced to accept the business side of show business.

I've had heartbreaking auditions where they don't even look at you. You're out before you're in.

it is a heartBreaking sound, Amir Jan, the Wailing of a mother. I pray to Allah you Never hear it.

I have both joyful and heartbreaking moments in life, even now. Stardom doesn't give us everything.

That heartbreaking moment when you finish an amazing book, and you are forced to return to reality.

There is nothing so mortifying as to fall in love with someone who does not share one's sentiments.

The idea of feeling isolated is scary to me - to walk through the world alone would be heartbreaking.

The heartbreaking necessity of lying about reality and the heartbreaking impossibilty of lying about it

Singing was probably my first love, and song writing. I write a lot of love songs and heartbreaking songs.

It can be heartbreaking when you find out that your fairytale image of the world doesn't match the reality.

But, truly, I have wept too much! The Dawns are heartbreaking. Every moon is atrocious and every sun bitter.

It's heartbreaking to see so many people trapped in a web of enforced idleness, deep debt, and gnawing self-doubt.

Sometimes a book isn't a heartbreaking work of staggering genius. Sometimes it's the only story you know how to tell.

I've seen the impact of deportation in my district. It is heartbreaking to see families torn apart for no good reason.

Under-sung vocals can be very sexy because of the intimacy, but they can be just as heartbreaking for the same reason.

My mom and I aren't the same size. She's a bit taller. And we're not the same shoe size either, which is heartbreaking.

Right when I was I was diagnosed my husband and I were actively trying for a family, which is heartbreaking for us both.

We have witnessed the most extraordinary devastation. The magnitude of the situation is unbelievable. It's just heartbreaking.

It's heartbreaking to think that the joy of building a family is being dimmed by the economic squeeze young people are feeling.

I know victims of domestic abuse. I know what it takes for people to get out, and I also know why people stay. It's heartbreaking.

When our TV screens are filled with heartbreaking images of suffering, we have to dig deep inside ourselves in order to keep going.

I was once called a hack, and when you put as much emotion into a piece of work as I do, to be called a hack is really heartbreaking.

As I sit here writing and look across the room at Janice, I keep thinking of the most heartbreaking question: which of us will go first?

It's not unlike the movies for human actors. Once a dog stars in a movie, they don't work very much anymore. It's kind of heartbreaking.

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