In high school and college, I was an athlete.

I was a tennis player in high school and college.

I was a musical theatre geek in high school and college.

In high school and college all my friends and my brother wrestled.

Chemistry was always my weakest subject in high school and college.

At times during high school and college I wished to be a sportswriter.

Getting through high school and college was one of my greatest achievements.

I worked while in high school and college so that I could pay for school. I also had loans.

My time in high school and college, more than 30 years ago, has been ridiculously distorted.

I love writing about the summer between high school and college. It's the last gasp of really being a teen.

I would want to wear No. 20, just because a lot of history behind that number through high school and college.

I was born in Vancouver, then went to high school and college in Seattle. Then I moved to Los Angeles after college.

All the way through my high school and college there was never a doubt in anybody's mind the ACC was the best conference.

Well, I've never been in a touring rock band, it was all just high school and college, playing toga parties in frat houses.

I would not call myself Catholic anymore, but I went to 16 years of Catholic school: grade school, high school and college.

In high school and college, I did not have any Christian friends except my best friend Sarah, who I actually 'brought to Jesus.'

I did a lot of theater when I was in high school and college. I also did stand-up in college, so it was always part of what I did.

I think in high school and college, you don't really know what your routine is going to be; you're still trying to come up with it.

I did my first apprenticeship when I was 15, then joined the union when I was 17. I worked every summer in high school and college.

When my younger sisters were born, I was in high school and college. I was at my mom's all the time but never changed them or fed them.

Going back to high school and college, I believed I would be involved in public service. I literally could not conceptualize anything else.

My dad is quite possibly the biggest Giants fan in the world. I believe he wore a Phil Simms jersey to my high school and college graduations.

My dad was a high school and college coach, and in my house my dad muted sideline reporters because he wasn't interested in what they had to say.

I've been programming computers since elementary school, where they taught us, and I stuck with computer science through high school and college.

I worked at a daycare for a couple of years going through high school and college. I did youth sports camps. I ran all the camps through my college.

I am a gamer. I became a gamer since I had kids... much more than I used to be when I'd play 'Madden' and 'NCAA Football' in high school and college.

It's essentially taught in high school and college survey courses as an item on a timeline: 'The Lusitania was sunk; the U.S. gets into World War I'.

I finished high school and college - I actually moved to New York to study film - and was always working in theaters and studying. You never stop learning.

A high school and college degree are linked to greater employment prospects, higher earning potential, and the ability to contribute more to our communities.

I survived in high school by working at Kentucky Fried Chicken and made my way up to assistant manager. I was surviving high school and college with that job.

I love dancing, but I'm not that good of a singer. I sang in punk rock bands in high school and college and stuff, but that mostly involved lots of screaming.

I've said all along that someday I wanted to go back home and play in Flordia. I played high school and college ball in Flordia and all my ties are back home.

In high school and college, I always, always straightened my hair. Don't ask why; I was just so into my image. Post-college, I started wearing my hair natural.

I enjoyed high school and college, and I think I learned a lot, but that was not really my focus. My focus was on trying to figure out what businesses to start.

I was in a band in high school and college and I always had a love for music, but I didn't go to a conservatory or anything like that. I was fairly self-taught.

If a coach gets behind Lonzo and has confidence in him, I'm cool. 'Cause that's when he's very successful. He's been successful in AAU, high school and college.

I had done theater during high school and college, but with my life and everything I had going on, I decided to go for the health field, where there were stable jobs.

I put so much pressure on myself to be perfect. Between homework and sports and drama and being social, I slept about four hours a night through high school and college.

I was in high school and college as hip-hop was really sort of coming into its own as a, you know, creative force, as a sort of cultural voice. And it really spoke to me.

People don't wanna take a chance. And I just feel like that's what it was, it's like that in every single level I've been in, from little league to high school and college.

When I was in high school and college, my other real focus was, actually, fiction writing. So in college, I had done all these seminars with these various writers-in-residence.

I just think winners win. And guys who won all the way through high school and college, the best player at every level, they have a way of making things happen and winning games.

25 was my number in high school and college. But when I got traded to Lakers, it was retired, and Derek Fisher had 2, so I was stuck with 5. Nothing more special behind it than that.

When I was a model - and I was all during high school and college - you always wanted to be on the cover of a magazine. That's how your success was judged. The more cover, the better.

Americans donate blood every day - on high school and college campuses during blood drives, in workplaces after a coworker falls ill, and in hospitals as loved ones prepare for surgery.

Our record number of teenagers must become our record number of high school and college graduates and our record number of teachers, scientists, doctors, lawyers, and skilled professionals.

I got to play with my older brother in high school and college, and I played with my younger brother in high school and college, so I kind of get to do everything, so it was really pretty sweet.

I think everyone's intentions are to become a performer at first. But by the time I was in high school and college, I discovered that I liked writing and that I was probably a little better at it.

When I came through the ranks in wrestling - in high school and college - those systems have been in place for 100 years, and they're fairly standard training across the board for all the colleges.

As you get older, sometimes you lose touch with people you were friends with in high school and college. But when you've been part of a legacy together, you should still find a way to see eye to eye.

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